Recipe Directions

1. Freeze mango puree and stir every so often to break up the crystals. If you forget (like I did lol) just let it sit for a bit and blend again.

2. Slice melon thinly and curl by cutting one piece and connecting the circle tighter.

3. Blend strawberries, agave, and orange extract until smooth.

4. Circle melon into a mini cup. Scoop some mango puree into it.

5. Drizzle berry puree over it.

Harmonylia's Thoughts

By harmonylia

Light treat that is simple to prepare and easy to assemble.

My girls loved it for dessert tonight.

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46 votes
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Looks like something you would order at an upper scale raw food restaurant! Maybe I'll try this with a little orange zest. :)

40 votes
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What great ideas, I bet that if you did strawberry sorbet instead, (same procedure as mango) then the chocolate sauce would be devine. The orange zest is a great idea as well. This is why I post these! Thanks so much!

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Wow, these colors are amazing!


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What great ideas, I bet that if you did strawberry sorbet instead, (same procedure as mango) then the chocolate sauce would be devine. The orange zest is a great idea as well. This is why I post these! Thanks so much!

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46 votes
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Looks like something you would order at an upper scale raw food restaurant! Maybe I'll try this with a little orange zest. :)

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15 votes
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Wow! This looks so beautiful!!! I envision this with a little chocolate sauce too!!!

35 votes
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Wow, these colors are amazing!

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