Recipe Directions

1. Soak almonds and cashews for 5-6 hours, then drain soak water.

2. Place almonds, cashews, and soaked dates (include the soak water) and lemon juice in a food processor to chop up all the ingredients.

3. Place the mixed ingredients on a Teflex tray and place in the dehydrator until crisp.

Humanimal's Thoughts

By humanimal

Sweet and tart!

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41 votes
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Did you mean Lemon Date Granola? It still looks yummy, but I was really wanting those figs! :-)

37 votes
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Mmmmmm!! Dates, lemon juice and nuts are fantastic together!!

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wait a minute.. there aren't any figs in this recipe!!!?


41 votes
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Did you mean Lemon Date Granola? It still looks yummy, but I was really wanting those figs! :-)

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wait a minute.. there aren't any figs in this recipe!!!?

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Mmmmmm!! Dates, lemon juice and nuts are fantastic together!!

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This sounds wonderful, I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

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