Recipe Directions

1. Thinly slice eggplant lengthwise. When slicing your eggplant,  think about how bacon strips look. I use an old cheese slicer and mine turns out great. You could probably accomplish this with a vegetable peeler too. Alternately, you could make "round" bacon by slicing the other way.

2. Mix all remaining ingredients to make the marinade.

3. Marinate eggplant strips for 2 hours.

4. Variation: I dehydrated some ground pine nuts to make a pine nut spread and spread it on to the bacon. This gives a unique taste to the bacon.

5. Place eggplant strips on dehydrator sheets. Salt eggplant strips (optional) and dehydrate for 9 hours around 110 Fahrenheit. 

6. Turn strips over and dehydrate another 9 hours. I actually dehydrated mine longer. You can judge for yourself if you want them even crisper. They will still have an “oiliness” to them even after dehydrated. If you don’t want this, then you can put less oil in the marinade or “blot” your bacon after it comes out of the dehydrator.


Queenfluff's Thoughts

By queenfluff

Yes, you read the recipe name right--it is Raw Bac-un (Bacon)! I modified this recipe from one I got from the SAD TO RAW website.

When I make this for raw potlucks, people are always buzzing about it and asking me for the recipe.

I subbed agave for honey to make it vegan. The original recipe called for 1 full teaspoon of cayenne! I made it that way the first time and it was way too hot for me, so I modified it to have a lot less cayenne and it turned out wonderfully (and it actually looks like real bacon)!

Note: This recipe is for home use only. My boyfriend and I sell this for our raw food home business so this is not for commercial sale or use! 


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Astara - Hmm, you can try it but I think the eggplant is more "durable" and thereby a better choice. the zucchini (because it has a lot of water) might dehydrate differently plus the marinate can make the pieces a bit heavy. But if you try it and it works out, let us know!

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I can't wait for my fiance and I to try this recipe. I am starting once again to try raw recipes and become vegan. Maybe this will help my fiance stop eating real bacon. He is slowly giving up meat. He already gave up beef which is pretty big for him. Thanks for the great recipe.

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I was wondering. Can you use zuchs instead of egg plant. I don't want to wait for an answer.

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WOW! BACON!!! YAY!!! THANK YOU!!! I confessed my love of bacon to my muslim husband last night LOL!! I told him how much i love and miss it . Now i can "pig out" with this recipe. As i wipe the proud tear from my eye, let me say: I LOVE YOU QUEEN FLUFF!!!! I was a commitment phobe, but now i can completely give myself to raw life. LOL! Thanks for the recipe. Will try it 2DAY. What's that i hear calling my name? Uh oh - gotta go - the eggplant is calling me :o)

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I made this with some yellow squash as well. It was interesting - much sweeter. I liked the combination of the eggplant and the squash on a sandwich. I think I'll try to cut the oil next time as I'm trying to be more careful about fat intake.

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Are these supposed to make it out of the dehydrator? I think I ate half of the recipe by _testing_ here and there. Good thing I made a double batch...Yum!

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Wow from the photo and the title I thought this would be the grossest thing ever. Was I wrong. This Raw Bacon recipe is great and it is so addicting. It's also easy to make.

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Hi, I realize that this is not raw, but has anyone tried a few drops of smoke flavoring? I suppose it depends on your absolute degree of rawness. I tried the recipe with less oil and plan to try it with the smoke flavoring next time.

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I absolutly loved these! thank you for sharing it! I did not have the ume plum vinegar and I added the umbesham or something like that plum paste. I also left them in dehydrator to become crisps. they were so good. I put them on a lettuce sandwich with carrots, cucumber, red bell pepper, tomatoe, olives stuffed with sundried tomatoes. it was so good! thank you!

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sorry... name does not sound appealing at all :(

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I too decided to make with less oil - Incredible flavor!!!! The only problem is they just won't keep in my pantry - I eat them too fast.

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ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

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What is ACV, please?

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Ha Ha! I still have to laugh at myself - so many people love these, making triple batches and everything and you wanna know what - I make them all the time but I rarely eat them - I make them for other people! I have like one or two pieces and that is it - I let everyone else eat em. :) I just made a batch with a white eggplant that was starting to go and the only sweetner I had around was maple syrup so I used that. I can't taste too much difference to be honest but than I am sticking with my original recipe amounts for the most part. I think to increase the sweetner amounts will probably do it. :) I think in the future I might mess with the recipe amounts a bit to try to get a different taste.

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Oops Sorry twice!

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Can't wait to try this. To the grocery store tomorrow!

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Can't wait to try this. To the grocery store tomorrow!

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Made them again ans tripled the recipe and still they were gone in one day! Yummy!!

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I have made so many batches of this! I love it!

I tend to snack on them like chips too - Thank you!!

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YUM, that sounds great. When I get my dehydrator I am definitely going to make these!!

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Made this w/ less oil and used acv. They crisped up nicely and were delish.

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Hi WriteEternity! I am glad they turned out. Yeah, less oil for crispier ones I guess. The oil sort of disappears after a while. Another thing is that these almost never go bad. I had a batch and I didn't eat any for a lonnggg time and they were still fresh and good like a month later.

My kitty "Queen Fluff" just got a lion cut because she was so matted. She is "UnFluff" for now. She looks a little weird but she is happy because she is cooler now. Fur is already starting to grow back! :)

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Hi Queenfluff! Hows your cat!My boyfriend really likes cats and really got your name! The dsl went out today right when I was starting to make this recipe! So I couldn't look your recipe up when I needed it. But I got some that got pretty crispy where I didn'y put any oil. I just dabbed some oil and braggs on mine.

I got some smoked salt and put a little on them- it was sooo good! I love the maple syrup idea too!

The thicker ones were mushier and I put sundried tomatoe blended with dates and garlic, some pesto and a slice of fresh tomato on top. Delish!

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Mine have never gotten super crispy either. I don't think they are supposed too. I made them in the winter before so I don't think it is the humidity. But I know what you mean - I have given up dehydrating chips lately because of the humidity - they just get all soft again! Glad everyone is enjoying them.

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Mine never got crispy either. I sliced them into rounds. The flavor was great and I ate them like chips. They never made it to the dip.

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