Recipe Directions

1. Wash everything first.

2. Place the lettuce on a plate. Begin slicing and chopping the veggies.

3. Layer them on the lettuce: avocado, tomato, peppers, and onion. Sprinkle on the seasonings.

Tink77's Thoughts

By Tink77

I wanted some kind of taco that was simple and didn’t require me to run the food processor or blender, since the hubby was sleeping.

This came out great.

My hubby tried it and liked it, but I chopped everything up into taco salad for him.

A nice quick and refreshing taco (or salad)!

Of course, as above, you can chop everything and combine in a bowl and sprinkle to taste to make a taco salad.

Hope all enjoy!!

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36 votes
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Yum! & super easy :) Ihave been wanting raw tacos, but my recipe with sunflower seeds feels too heavy & doesn't appeal to me right now. Thank you for this recipe :)

23 votes
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Simple, light and delicious looking. My kind of recipe.

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Light and fresh, perfect for Springtime, thanks.


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Making any kind of rollup in romaine leaves makes salads on-the-go super easy! If you are running short on time for prep, you can just throw all the fixin's into a bag with a head of romaine, and eat with your hands! Plus, once all rolled-up and bitten into, the concoction is so beautiful beyond belief :P

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I did this tonight it was soooo filling just what i was craving:)

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i just finished making and devouring these. i changed it a bit according to your suggestions. i made a red and yellow pepper dressing with a bit of water and cayenne. i'm a fire breathing dragon now! whooooo. i also sprinkled some sunflower seeds and cacoao nibs over the top to calm down the spicy flavors!

thanks for the recipe!

18 votes
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I do like the sound of this. I agree with carrie a nice spicy dressing would be fun too. Or a nippy mayo with some extra lemon and some cayanne and diced pepper.

36 votes
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Yum! & super easy :) Ihave been wanting raw tacos, but my recipe with sunflower seeds feels too heavy & doesn't appeal to me right now. Thank you for this recipe :)

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Light and fresh, perfect for Springtime, thanks.

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I know you don't want to run to the blender, but if you blend/liquify a red pepper and add some cayenne, it's a nice simple "dressing" to your taco salad! Taco Salad is my staple :)

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Simple, light and delicious looking. My kind of recipe.

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this could be a nice addition to my reg. lunch and dinner greens.Looks good,thanks!

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