Recipe Directions

1. Grind up the sesame seeds in grinder until very fine. (Measurements given are for using a medium/large cup.)

2. Add the carob or mesquite and mix in with your hands, rubbing out any lumps.

3. Add the raisins, agave, and orange juice. Mix in well.

4. Add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until you have a dough that can easily be formed into shape.

5. Roll small pieces into balls and place in a box with carob powder. Roll balls around until coated. Voila!

Sweetpea's Thoughts

By sweetpea

Delicious sesame fudge--high in calcium if you use unhulled sesame seeds. Use hulled for a milder nuttier, halva kind of flavor.

Great to offer your non-raw friends.

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wow this sounds yum! shall be trying this today!

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These are simple, tasty and portable. They're now one of my staple bike-commute energy foods :)

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These look amazing!


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Yes, that's correct.

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I believe it's just short for tablespoon. :)

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whats a tbln?

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These are simple, tasty and portable. They're now one of my staple bike-commute energy foods :)

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These look amazing!

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32 votes
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wow this sounds yum! shall be trying this today!

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this sounds yummy! ill whip some up today!

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