Recipe Directions

sprouting buckwheat

make sure to purchase buckwheat groats that are green-tinted and not brown. (the brown ones are precooked).
in a sprouting jar or other open-mouth container with a gauze cloth and rubber band – soak the groats in enough water for 10 minutes. don’t go over 15 minutes or it will be too sticky.
turn the container upside down so all water comes out and leave it like this.
depending on room temperature they will put out a tail anywhere between 12 to 36 hours.

making flour

with a manual or electric seed grinder or blender blend golden flax to powder.
either in a manual mincer or a food processor with an S blade, grind the buckwheat groats.
mix the buckwheat and flax to a texture that is like moist flour.

mush the rest

you can use a manual mincer, a grater, or a blender to mush all the ingridents, veggies and oil and salt…
add mush to flour and mix well to smooth consistency. dry one side spread mush on a banana leaf or teflex or plain nylon… spread into your favorite shapes… and place in the sun (or dehydrator at 42 degress celsius).
after one hour or two the top will be dry.
flip the shapes onto a screen and peel off the banana leaf, teflex, or nylon.
flip the shapes onto a screen or tray (slower), sticky side up.
cut garnish veggies and put on the sticky side.
put in sun 6-12 hours (depends how crispy you like it).
add olive oil on top and serve warm.

Ofek's Thoughts

By ofek

it’s been a while since cinque terre... but here’s my version of bready Italy. this stuff has great texture and a gentle flavor.

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That looks great am going to make it now.

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Awesome Ofek!!!

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how wonderful, i read your profile what a beautiful way to live and think, you've inspired me


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ilove it! ~thank you...

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how wonderful, i read your profile what a beautiful way to live and think, you've inspired me

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This looks amazing!

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I'm very newly exploring raw, and wanted to thank you for making it look sooo tasty! All of your recipes look wonderful (though I don't think I have the patience yet for some of the steps, so I'll be visiting the co-op). Thanks again :D

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Awesome Ofek!!!

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That looks great am going to make it now.

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