Heaven on a piece of heaven topped with a slice of heaven! I was really missing meatballs, and I wanted something with a similar taste, texture, and protein content that meatballs imbue. Here it is!
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    Serves 4
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Recipe Directions

1. For the Caraway-Onion-Dill Bread: 2 large yellow onions, chopped into half-rings 2/3 cup flax seeds, ground to a meal 2/3 cup sunflower seeds, ground fine 1/3 cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos/Nama Shoyu (both are unpasteurized soy sauces) 1/6 cup cold-pressed flax or olive oil. I usually use a little less 2 tbsp chopped fresh dill (fresh is very important in this instance) 2 tsp caraway seeds, crushed 1 clove garlic, finely minced (optional)

2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Pour onto Teflex dehydrator sheet and for 18-22 hours, flipping about 13 hours in. Score into 9 equal pieces yes, chef, you may sneak one of the pieces to make things even!

3. For the Swedish "Neatballs": ¼ cup sunflower seeds, soaked 3-4 hours ¼ cup mung bean sprouts Pulp from one small juiced carrot Pulp from 5 juiced stalks of bok choy (can be subbed w/ spinach) 1/3 cup tahini 1 tsp garlic powder ½ tsp each of cayenne, cumin, and paprika 4 tsp unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (can be subbed w/ lemon juice) 3-4 dashes black sesame seeds, for color contrast (optional)

4. In a food processor, blend all ingredients until uniform and smooth. Roll into 20 small balls and dry for 5-6 hours w/o Teflex sheet.

5. For the Tomato Sauce: 3 small tomatoes, sliced & dehydrated on one side for 6-7 hours 2-3 deglet noor dates, soaked 20 mins (amt. depends on your desired sweetness) 1 tbsp cold-pressed flax or olive oil 2 tsp Bragg's Liquid Aminos/Nama Shoyu 1 tsp dried basil ½ tsp dried oregano ½ tsp dried tarragon black pepper, to taste water, as/if needed

6. Blend all until it is just slightly chunky. To assemble the sandwich, place 5 neatballs onto a slice of bread, pour ¼ of the sauce over it, and top with another slice of bread. Enjoy!

Intheraw13's Thoughts

By intheraw13

Heaven on a piece of heaven topped with a slice of heaven!

I was really missing meatballs, and I wanted something with a similar taste, texture, and protein content that meatballs imbue.

Here it is!

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Very cool recipe!!!


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Very cool recipe!!!

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