great to make as a snack or breakfast if you have almond mush that you dont know what to do with.
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Recipe Directions

mix ingredients together and enjoy, even my 17 month old son loved it.

Rawdoll's Thoughts

By rawdoll

great to make as a snack or breakfast if you have almond mush that you dont know what to do with.

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I am eating some right now. I didn't have almond milk so I used coconut milk with vanilla bean and a medjool date in it, plus honey and raisins and cacao nibs. Didn't have any pecan butter, but figured the coconut milk had enough nut fats in it! :) Reminds me more of the look and texture of Cream of Wheat than oatmeal.

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I eat Oat Groats nearly every morning! I love the stuff. This is great too.Had it last night.

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Still learning....I noticed most people don't use oatmeal groats while eating raw. Do they not fit in the raw lifestyle? Why? I have used them as a binder instead of flax. Not always a big fan of flaxThanks

This recipe sounds great.

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I am eating some right now. I didn't have almond milk so I used coconut milk with vanilla bean and a medjool date in it, plus honey and raisins and cacao nibs. Didn't have any pecan butter, but figured the coconut milk had enough nut fats in it! :) Reminds me more of the look and texture of Cream of Wheat than oatmeal.

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you can add me to the list of people who like this! add cacao nibs blended into the mush.. mmmmm yum!

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Sounds nummy! :-)

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