Quick, easy and delicious, plus these are ingredients one usually has already in the house. You can add 2 pitted dates for extra sweetness. I used toasted golden flax seeds, because that was all I had in the house.

Recipe Directions

Put all ingredients into blender and blend. 

Hleva's Thoughts

By hleva

Quick, easy and delicious, plus these are ingredients one usually has already in the house.

You can add 2 pitted dates for extra sweetness.

I used toasted golden flax seeds, because that was all I had in the house.

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I used to drink a smoothie like this a long time ago. Hleva, where do you get your raw oats?

Humananimal, I agree with you about the bananas. I don't go a day without one or more of them.

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mine would look like 1 banana, 5 cups banana, 1 cup nut milk, and tbls golden flax seeds. I d say bananas are my love no?


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Thanks humananimal. Now I know where I can get them. I've been searching for a while.

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Thanks for that information, once I use these up, I will buy them raw. Live and learn. lol

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old fashioned oats aren't really raw because they used a high temperature steam when ever they press them. Now thats with brand names like quaker, but there might be some raw oats around here somewhere Ill keep a look out.

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I am presuming that if you don't cook your old-fashioned oatmeal, that it is raw. Am I wrong????? :)

47 votes
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I used to drink a smoothie like this a long time ago. Hleva, where do you get your raw oats?

Humananimal, I agree with you about the bananas. I don't go a day without one or more of them.

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mine would look like 1 banana, 5 cups banana, 1 cup nut milk, and tbls golden flax seeds. I d say bananas are my love no?

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