Recipe Directions

1. Soak the whole flax seeds in the water about 20 minutes. Do not drain.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix with a fork or spoon (I don't like using the food processor for that. I feel it gives the dough a funny texture). The almond powder you use can be the almond pulp left from making milk, dehydrated then ground, or it can be any other seed or nut ground into a powder. 

3. Spread the dough on 2 dehydrator Teflex sheets. You may need to add some more water if it is to thick. It should be pretty easy to spread.

4. Dehydrate for about 8 hours at 105 Fahrenheit. After 4 hours, flip and remove Teflex sheet. You can also cut it at this point, but I like to leave it whole and break off pieces when it is fully dehydrated.

Crue's Thoughts

By Crue

Very simple flax crackers.

The taste is pretty neutral so it's good either with sweet or savory topping or dip.

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Thanks for the comment Derryckl! Wow, I feel privileged that my crackers were your firsts lol.

I love that recipe because it works well even with modifications. As long as you have the flax, you can make the crackers :) We often eat it with homemade salsa and guacamole, delicious.

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These came out awesome! They're my fav flax cracker ever. I made them with the sesame seed option and added 1/8 t more salt. Thanks so much for this simple but perfect recipe. Yeah!

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These look amazing! Just the right amount of flax to everything else. As soon as I have a bit more pulp I'll make them. Thanks for the recipe!


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Crue - I made some of the crackers for my first visit to the Toronto Sprouts meetup/potluck -

postscript to this: The first time that I soaked flax seeds (I wanted to sprout them) - they turned out gooey, and I got totally freaked out by that. It is great to now have found a way to harness such a unique property for something so tasty, nutritious and healthy.

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Vote down! it 8hrs and then flip and then another 4hrs??



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Thanks for the comment Derryckl! Wow, I feel privileged that my crackers were your firsts lol.

I love that recipe because it works well even with modifications. As long as you have the flax, you can make the crackers :) We often eat it with homemade salsa and guacamole, delicious.

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They came out wonderfully crackly. I am calling them my virgin crackers, bcos they are the first crackers that I have ever made!

I could not wait to try it, and I did not have the almond pulp, so I subbed that with a 1/2 cup of ground flax and one tbsp of raw almond butter. And I also added a pinch of sea salt and yeast flakes. Next time, I will use more salt.

Tastes great with just pepper sauce, I imagine it would be heavenly with a salsa. Thanks so much for opening up a new chapter for me..

What a cracking recipe!!

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I'm so glad this recipe worked for you! I'm always affraid that I'm not explaining it properly (not easy in english) and I'm gonna cause someone to waste time and ingredients on one of my recipes lol!

Thank you :)

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These came out awesome! They're my fav flax cracker ever. I made them with the sesame seed option and added 1/8 t more salt. Thanks so much for this simple but perfect recipe. Yeah!

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I don't always use almond pulp, it depends on what I have on hand. I often use ground sunflower seeds, it tastes great too and it is much less expensive than almonds.

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These look amazing! Just the right amount of flax to everything else. As soon as I have a bit more pulp I'll make them. Thanks for the recipe!

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Haha the timing is incredible! Thanks Crue for posting this! I'll be sure to try it soon.

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