Makes enough for 2-4 servings, depending upon how hungry you are
¾ cup garbanzo beans, sprouted
2 tablespoon flax oil
2 tablespoon flax seed, ground
2 tablespoon cillantro, chopped fine
1 tablespoon seasame seeds
2 tablespoon pickle juice
2 teaspoon sea salt, (or to taste)
½ cup walnuts, (optional)
½ avocado, (optional)
Recipe Directions
Ideally one could just dump it all in a food processor and blend it until creamy smooth. I don’t have one, though, and just wholloped on it w/ a potato masher until I was bored—slightly crunchy but just fine.
I also added a teaspoon of lemon-flavoured cod liver oil, since folks with gallbladder issues also have issues (usually old ones) with vitamin D and it just happens to add some lemon flavour. If vegan, add a tiny bit of lemon zest.
Sillydog's Thoughts
By sillydogJust about everything in hummus sets off a bad gallbladder, but with the magic of sprouting, you can turn those wonderful and evil beans into something that you can enjoy and won’t hurt you. You can also sub in walnuts and avocado for the seasame seeds if you can’t handle them in even small quantities—I find actual tahini is just too much sesame oil.
Goes good with greens and as a spread. Try it with celery in place of the peanut butter that you can’t eat anymore.
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Top voted
May 25, 2010
just curious - what is pickle juice?
May 25, 2010
i'm guessing its the liquid pickles are in, as in a jar of pickles...
May 26, 2010
It's not that they're toxic, they just stimulate the production of bile, which irritates and causes symptoms for those w/ chronic gallbladder probelms. As for the pickles, I make my own, so vinegar and spices, pretty much. Any vinegar will p'bly do, as they all seem to be o.k. unless you have them too close to bedtime.
I had this yesterday and sufferred no problems, so I'm giving it a "happy pear award(tm)"
They've got jungle peanuts at the co-op and I didn't know what they were -- I'll have to look into it. It's something about those darn beans that makes the gb go "crunch," but perhaps if sprouted a bit they'd be o.k. Thanks.
Jul 17, 2018
How is hummus bad for gallbladder? Are chuck peas bad for us with bad gallbladder’s???? Why
May 26, 2010
It's not that they're toxic, they just stimulate the production of bile, which irritates and causes symptoms for those w/ chronic gallbladder probelms. As for the pickles, I make my own, so vinegar and spices, pretty much. Any vinegar will p'bly do, as they all seem to be o.k. unless you have them too close to bedtime.
I had this yesterday and sufferred no problems, so I'm giving it a "happy pear award(tm)"
They've got jungle peanuts at the co-op and I didn't know what they were -- I'll have to look into it. It's something about those darn beans that makes the gb go "crunch," but perhaps if sprouted a bit they'd be o.k. Thanks.
May 26, 2010
You can get raw jungle peanuts and grind them into peanut butter. They should be available on David Wolfe's site or www.rawguru.com.
May 25, 2010
Just out of curiosity, how exactly are unsprouted garbanzo beans toxic to your gallbladder?
May 25, 2010
oh, i meant vinegar, SUGAR, dill, garlic, and salt.
May 25, 2010
its just basically vinegar, water, dill, garlic, and salt.
May 25, 2010
i'm guessing its the liquid pickles are in, as in a jar of pickles...
May 25, 2010
just curious - what is pickle juice?
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