Recipe Directions

1. I normally use mushrooms with caps that are about 2 inches wide. Break off the stems and crush the stems a little so they split. The stems have a string texture which will really fool you into thinking it’s meat.

2. Break the caps into quarters. Not too small. Use your hands.

3. Put all mushroom pieces in dehydrator and run until they are completely dry. They will be as light as paper. 24 hours or more. They take up 3 trays in my Excalibur when I begin and less than 1 tray at the end.

4. Put all the dried spices into your grinder and make a nice powder. Blend this powder with the water, oil, lemon juice, and dates until totally liquid. This will be your marinade.

5. In a large bowl, toss the dried mushroom pieces in the marinade until they are completely covered with it. Let stand and toss again once an hour until no liquid left in bowl (maybe 3 times).

6. Resist the urge to dig in, so let them stand for another hour or two. You can keep tossing them every so often if you want to play. They will turn dark brown and become pretty dry.

7. Cut larger pieces into strips.

Tip: This is the steak or beef version. For chicken, use 1/2 of the black pepper or none at all.

Chriscarlton's Thoughts

By chriscarlton

This will make a grilled meat type flavor and texture.

Very hearty and even chewy.

I worked on this for a year. Now it’s just right.

Goes well with my Sweet Tangy Southern Barbeque Sauce: mushroom, lemon, dates, sage, thyme, and rosemary.

They will last for days, even a week, if you don’t eat them. This is why I make so much at a time.

They are great in salads, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas, etc.


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maybe you just ate too much of it, they are very moreish...

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Oh Zoe I woud be ever so grateful if you shared the recipe!! Or even just the ingredients!

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About 1 in 50 people (2%) don't fare well with raw mushrooms meant for consumption. Also, you may consider marinating in the fridge so bacteria don't have a chance to grow . . . just in case.

I enjoyed the recipe very much. Thanks for posting!


35 votes
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In England 750 grams is £1.50. So mushrooms for this recipe cost about £5. But it makes 10 pounds of chopped steak. Try gettin 10 pounds of steak for £5.

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I don't slice mine. If you want to cut them with scissors as you use them. You can also break them up by hand before adding the marinade, while they are very dry.

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maybe you just ate too much of it, they are very moreish...

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I find 5 lbs is quite a lot more that I need. I use about 1-1.5k Kilos which is about 2-3 lbs. Two of the big supermarkets in the UK sell huge boxes of Mushrooms for about £1-1.50, and these weigh 1.5k.

However, this is super yummy. The main issue I had was it take aaaages to slice that many mushrooms to fit on the trays of my budget dehydrator. I've got a batch chopped up and ready to go which I used a nicerdicer on. Admittedly, they will be more like small slivers then mushrooms to look at, but it took 5 mins to chop, not 35!

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5 pounds of mushroom, what the heck? That would run about $60!!

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About 1 in 50 people (2%) don't fare well with raw mushrooms meant for consumption. Also, you may consider marinating in the fridge so bacteria don't have a chance to grow . . . just in case.

I enjoyed the recipe very much. Thanks for posting!

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36 votes
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correction... after eating this i got very very sick... don't think i'll be making it again

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it should also be noted that the sauce for this is also pretty good on it's own without the mushrooms (the mushrooms are really good on their own too.)

great recipe i love it! @_@

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It is: Carrots, onions, flax, olive oil, water and salt. Simple, but one of the best things I have ever tasted. We sell ALOT of it, everyone loves it ;) Chris is a genius!!

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Oh Zoe I woud be ever so grateful if you shared the recipe!! Or even just the ingredients!

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32 votes
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That is our carrot onion bread. I'll think about posting the recipe ;)

41 votes
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yes, what are those crackers in the photo and how do you make them?? Thanks!!!!

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This is so good, I don't think I can go another week without making some more!

Veggrl74 -- this is grilled beefy tasting, but not salty like corned beef. You might even want to add a drop or two of liquid smoke, to imitate the "corned" effect of the corned beef, or a little vinegar--maybe umeboshi plum vinegar for that tangy extra-salty taste. I'd love to know what you come up with.

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This recipe is wonderful!! It was the first thing I made with my dehydrator.

I put it in my spinach salad for lunch. This does taste like meat!

44 votes
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I am looking for a raw version of corned "beef" and you think this would work as the "beef"?

37 votes
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The transformation of vegetables to different forms, flavors and textures amazes me. This is no exception. Very good. I ate the "meat' in a sandwich with the sin-dried tomato, sesame bread spread with salad I had left over.

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I tried this recipe this week and it was so marvelously delicious I had to leave a comment! I'm very glad you worked on this for as long as you have, you have truly perfected it. I have a batch in the dehydrator now for tomorrow's dinner. This recipe will help keep me raw. Thanks Chris!

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What crackers are shown in your photo? Is that recipe anywhere? They look great too!

37 votes
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I'll give it a shot Chris. Its a great recipe. I love 'em!

30 votes
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Just thought I would mention...

I have updated this recipe 3 times since my orginal posting. I keep improving on the marinade. I don't think I will change it again though. It's now perfect.

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LycheeLover - we just leave them out on the counter top to marinade,

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We will make this for you and ship it to you, as well as some other raw goodies!!

(UK only for now)

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Got some various mushrooms on sale including shitake, oyster and such and it came out so fantastic! I sliced them up nice and slim, slapped some of them on a slice of onion bread with a layer or avocado, thinly sliced onions, tomatoes a bit o salt and peppa' and voila, pulled beef sandwich. so nummy! THANKS!

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Holy Moly these sounded sooooo amazing that I ran to the coop and got all the ingredients to make these all bbq'd up for our Halloween party tomorrow. As of now, my mushrooms are loosing weight and I realized I was a bit confused and maybe someone could HELP ME out: during the marinading and browning processes, do I refrigerate the "meat" or leave it out at room temp? THANKS BUNCHES!

11 votes
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Oh my my! I love it, I love mushrooms raw, but this recipe is to die for! I love it! Glad I found it!

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