This recipe is not 100% raw as it has vinegar and toasted sesame oil in it but it is still quite healthy and incredibly flavorful. Put this over a salad with romaine, red onion, tomato, carrots, bean sprouts, cucumber, and red pepper and you've got yourself quite a tasty meal. Yum!
  • Yield

    5-10, depending on how heavy your hand is when you dress a salad.
  • Equipment


Recipe Directions

Whisk together the first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Slowly whisk in the sesame oil until completely integrated. Then whisk in the water (you can add more if you want to dilute the dressing more). Drizzle over a salad and enjoy!

Raw Food Punk's Thoughts

By Raw Food Punk

This recipe is not 100% raw as it has vinegar and toasted sesame oil in it but it is still quite healthy and incredibly flavorful. Put this over a salad with romaine, red onion, tomato, carrots, bean sprouts, cucumber, and red pepper and you've got yourself quite a tasty meal. Yum!

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Sounds great!

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Miss Rita's Review

Miso Ginger Dressing
5 out of 5

This dressing is so great, that I keep wanting to make another salad, just so I can enjoy some more of it. My husband was heard to say "I love that dressing" which I have never heard him say about salad dressing before.

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This one could be 100% raw quite easily. Sub raw apple cider vinegar or lemon juice for the rice vinegar and use raw tahini or all sesame seeds for the sesame oil. I'm making it tonight. I LOVE toasted sesame oil, but I'll try it with sesame seeds indtead and let you know.


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This one could be 100% raw quite easily. Sub raw apple cider vinegar or lemon juice for the rice vinegar and use raw tahini or all sesame seeds for the sesame oil. I'm making it tonight. I LOVE toasted sesame oil, but I'll try it with sesame seeds indtead and let you know.

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Miss Rita's Review

Miso Ginger Dressing
5 out of 5

This dressing is so great, that I keep wanting to make another salad, just so I can enjoy some more of it. My husband was heard to say "I love that dressing" which I have never heard him say about salad dressing before.

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Sounds great!

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