A confirmed salad lovers new addiction! I bought a bag of fresh (frozen) wild Canadian blueberries for my smoothies, when I thought I might try something new for my dressings repertoire. It had barely lasted me 2 days because I am craving it's sweet delicious-ness! I will have to re-make it and take a picture...
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Recipe Directions

Blend and eat over your favorite salad! Tastes better when allowed to sit in the fridge over night (if you can wait that long!)

Nicely compliments a salad with fresh apples and green onions!

KMcR's Thoughts


A confirmed salad lovers new addiction! I bought a bag of fresh (frozen) wild Canadian blueberries for my smoothies, when I thought I might try something new for my dressings repertoire. It had barely lasted me 2 days because I am craving it's sweet delicious-ness! I will have to re-make it and take a picture because I ate it too fast...

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Noelle- I don't see why it wouldn't. Mine honestly didn't last more than 2 days. You could always make a small batch and test it. I have been on a blueberry kick lately! Smoothies, salads, dressings. Yum!

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Wow, that sounds delicious. I'll be making this for mey next salad dressing!

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thank you for this yummy recipe....I love the little kick of the ginger and lime:)


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You are very welcome silystarfish! Coincidently, it's my husbands favorite now too... that sounds about par with a 3 year old;) glad you liked it!

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silystarrfish's Review

My New Favorite Blueberry Vinaigrette
5 out of 5

This was FANTASTIC! It made my spinach salad purple - a HUGE plus for the 3 year old I watched - I've never seen her so excited to eat salad.

Thank you for sharing!

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thank you for this yummy recipe....I love the little kick of the ginger and lime:)

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Noelle- I don't see why it wouldn't. Mine honestly didn't last more than 2 days. You could always make a small batch and test it. I have been on a blueberry kick lately! Smoothies, salads, dressings. Yum!

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i just bought a few packets of wild blueberries too. and i have been on a salad dressing kick this week (and its only monday). i tend to make huge batches and freeze. do you think this would work?

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This sounds soooo good! I bet it would be nice with raspberries too or strawberries with balsamic and black pepper. Cool idea!

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Wow, that sounds delicious. I'll be making this for mey next salad dressing!

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This sounds great. I will have to try it soon!

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