Recipe Directions

  • 1. Blend the cashews and water in a high-speed blender. I use my VitaMix blender, which is the best blender in the world! Blend very well so that the liquid resembles a thin milk.
  • 2. Add the remaining raw cashew milk recipe ingredients and blend again.
  • 3. Drink this delicious raw cashew milk recipe and experience heavenly bliss! As mentioned above, your raw cashew milk can be drunk straight, or served as a milk substitute in cereals and other recipes.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Raw cashew milk recipes do not come close to this sweet, almondy cinnamony raw cashew milk recipe.

Raw cashew milk can be used for many many purposes in your raw food lifestyle.

I tend to drink this cashew milk as a delicious sweet treat, perhaps as a dessert, or I serve it over home-made dry cereal or I even splash a 1/4 cup on top of a bowl of my raw oatmeal.

If you have all these ingredients on hand this recipe really only takes a minute to prepare. Cashew milk can be stored in the fridge for a couple of days, but I would reblend before serving it in case any ingredients settle. But a batch of raw cashew milk doesn't last long in my house anyway!

PS: If you have any left over raw cashew milk from this recipe, try making raw chia seed pudding with your raw cashew milk recipe.

Please let me know how you like this recipe and any ideas of how you like to use this raw cashew milk recipe.

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Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 89 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein.

Amounts per 113 g (4 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 115 5 %
Protein 3 g 6 %
Fat 7 g 9 %
Carbohydrates 10 g 3 %
Dietary Fiber 0.74 g 2 %
Sugars 6 g
Calcium 13 mg 1 %
Iron 1.2 mg 9 %
Sodium 41 mg 2 %
Source: The Rawtarian, USDA

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Comments and Reviews

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332 votes
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I was wondering if it is necessary to soak the cashews? I've tried a few different nut milk recipes that require soaking the nuts, so I just wasn't sure if it made a difference or not?

324 votes
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Hi Kimberly, it is not necessary to soak the cashews in this recipe

310 votes
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How long should I soak cashews or almonds (and in what) before blending? Would it soften them enough for a blender not as strong as the Vitamix?


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lindam's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

My favorite nut milk. so easy. no straining. the additional sweetener and vanilla make it tasty.

53 votes
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I make a purchase of bulk nuts from amazon and store in freezer.

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Henryk's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

All is good but buying the RAW Organic Nuts can become very pricy, correct me if I am wrong here. I love your website and your podcasts;)

105 votes
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True! I usually just buy "unsalted, unroasted" nuts myself most of the time, for that exact reason. Of course, I love organic, but it's not always practical.

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Ginevra van den Toorn's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

OMG, like heaven on my tongue.

102 votes
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Ha - Ginevra! That is a cute way to describe it. Pretty creamy, yah!

117 votes
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Thanks Rawtarian for this recipe! It is so easy to make. I am now switching from store bought non dairy milk to homemade nut milk because of The Food Revolution summit and your recipe I found online. So glad it was so easy. Thanks!

131 votes
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Awesome, Jennifer! Nice job with these positive changes in your life :)

124 votes
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Have you frozen the cashew milk? Tips?

125 votes
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Nope, never done it myself. Never frozen any nut milk actually!

Anyone else done this? My gut feeling is it would be okay, but would probably need to be reblended again before using.

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Alex's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

Great recipe! I like how you even have a nutrition tab. Awesome idea and very cute page :) I made a video on how to make this as well just a simple version, so if anyone wants to watch, it's on youtube!

120 votes
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Thanks Alex!!

140 votes
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I will definitely add more ingredients into my cashew milk!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

141 votes
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Hope you enjoy, Gulmira!

132 votes
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Elena Kissin's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
4 out of 5

Delicious raw breakfast....BUT: it is 767 !!!! cal and 20 !!!! gms fat. And what to eat for the rest of the day in order to have " naturally slim" raw diet figure? Any comments?

121 votes
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Just portion out your cashew milk, don't drink it all at once! :)

133 votes
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The recipe makes 8 servings. Did you drink it all at once? :) It is 115 calories per 4 oz serving. An 8 oz serving is still only 230 calories.

132 votes
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136 votes
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So lovely! I wish I could produce this in industrial quantities and deliver it to people in milk bottles outside their door every morning :p lol

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

128 votes
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I'm sure it would be appreciated, Ollie! :)

161 votes
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Laure's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

huuum yummy! Just drinking it! It's so smooth!! Easy, quick, delicious, what else? Thanks!!

133 votes
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You summed it up, Laure. Glad you liked it!

156 votes
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Luana's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

Just made the yummy cashew milk! Outstanding recipe and so easy! We were horrified to discover the carcinogens in organic non dairy milk products: carrageenan, xanthan & guar happy to be able to make our own! Been vegan 5 years after my husband was diagnosed by a rare, aggressive cancer. He had a 6 month lifetime expectancy and we became vegan the day he received his diagnosis...Five years later and cancer free and we just did a 60 day juice fast...want to take our health to the next level so we found your website and we are so happy! Thank you!!

151 votes
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Luana, I love hearing stories like yours. So glad your husband is well and thriving! I'm thrilled that you like my recipes! :)

155 votes
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marjied's Review

Raw cashew milk recipe
5 out of 5

This is so yummy I could drink it all by itself. I cut the honey in half. Much better than the almond and coconut milk I've been using for a while.

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