Smooth and creamy. What a great combo these two are together. Very sweet! Depending on the size of your fruits, you may want to double or even triple the recipe.

Recipe Directions

1. Peel tangerine, cut into large chunks, and place into blender.

2. Remove apricot pit and cut into large chunks. Add to blender.

3. Add water sparingly to reach desired consistency.

4. Blend on high until smooth.

Coconutty's Thoughts

By coconutty

Smooth and creamy.

What a great combo these two are together.

Very sweet!

Depending on the size of your fruits, you may want to double or even triple the recipe.

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I'll have to try this one!!!

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I didn't have a honey tangerine on hand so I just used some very sweet/juicy oranges I had and it was still great. Yum!


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I'll have to try this one!!!

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28 votes
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I didn't have a honey tangerine on hand so I just used some very sweet/juicy oranges I had and it was still great. Yum!

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