My very favorite detox. Best consumed in the morning. Don’t eat anything for at least two hours before or afterwards—beet is a powerful detoxifier. The apples make this sweet and delicious, the celery freshens it up, and the ginger gives it a little kick AND soothes the stomach.

Recipe Directions

Juice everything. Small pieces tend to get lost in my juicer, so I make sure to wedge them in between apple-quarters, which helps. Otherwise just grate the ginger and stir it in separately.

Za's Thoughts

By Za

My very favorite detox. Best consumed in the morning. Don’t eat anything for at least two hours before or afterwards—beet is a powerful detoxifier. The apples make this sweet and delicious, the celery freshens it up, and the ginger gives it a little kick AND soothes the stomach.

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51 votes
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Yum! i just had a pink detox drink and it was very delicious. I the beets didn't have any greens so i used three leaves of kale instead. thanks for the recipe!

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This sounds good, but how much ginger?

47 votes
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I have to say, this is delicious. It's like drinking candy. And I was satisfied for most of the morning. Thank you for sharing.


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I use beet in my juicer everyday and its never stained, i cut it with bare hands too and it doesnt stain my hands for longer than a wash, i wonder if different types have differnt staining powers :). Ive been doing beet, apple and fennel as my celery isnt ready yet, but i didnt think about adding giner, smashin idea,im going to try that tonight.

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sounds like i just found breakfast for tomorrow (if i get up early enough)



i am sooo enjoying this site

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I used a gold beet, so staining wasn't an issue.

Also, if anyone doesn't have a juicer (like me), I just used my blender and nut milk bag and it turns out great.

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I used 1/2 beet, 4 carrot stalks, ginger, 1/2 apple - YUM! Thanks for the idea with the beet and ginger combined.

36 votes
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I have made something quite similar to this before, but without the ginger....MUST TRY!!!

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Hi kminty3, maybe using baking soda to remove the stains? And the hands may lighten up after washing the dishes used to make the beverage. Good luck :o). Triple L, thank you for the recipe, it looks delicious :o)

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I'm always hesitant to put beets in my juicer or food processor because even though I love them I don't want my appliances stained red, any suggestions?

51 votes
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Yum! i just had a pink detox drink and it was very delicious. I the beets didn't have any greens so i used three leaves of kale instead. thanks for the recipe!

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I have a childhood hatred of beets, but loved this even with only two sweetening apples (one red, one green). Thanks so much for this recipe! I can consume beets again!

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I am not a big fan of beets, but the apples really sweeten it up. This tastes great. I added a bit too much ginger; it was HOT!!

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Hmm..Good point! Will dig out those apple seeds henceforth and swallow them whole or toss them.

40 votes
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I tried the recipe and was very surprised by how much I liked it. The ginger gave a nice touch.

31 votes
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I will definitely try this recipe. The only negative aspect is the apple seeds

Apple seeds contain a cyanogenic glycoside: amygdalin. Amygdalin is claimed to be an anti-cancer compound. It releases toxic cyanide when digested. Apple seeds tend to get swallowed without chewing when eating whole apples, so the amygdalin doesn't affect you. Blending apple seeds breaks them down, making the amygdalin available. A few seeds probably won't hurt, but you may want to remove the seeds from apples before blending. Apricot seeds have a lot of amygdalin. Pear seeds,nectarine, peach and plum seeds, have enough amygdalin that you can taste it; a bitter medicinal taste.

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a little TOOOoooo sweet! I balanced it with half a lemon and green apples instead of read ones. Really yummmmm....

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I have to say, this is delicious. It's like drinking candy. And I was satisfied for most of the morning. Thank you for sharing.

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33 votes
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There we go, forgot the little green "add" button again! Thanks. A one inch-long piece works for me.

50 votes
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This sounds good, but how much ginger?

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