The inspiration for this recipe belongs to Elizabeth Osselini, a raw food teacher at Whole Foods in St. Louis. This is from her class last night and I thought it was AMAZING and will be a staple for me through the holidays. It’s SO easy and SO good!
  • Yield

    Serves 4-6 (I think, 4 of us ate well and there were leftovers)
  • Equipment

Recipe Directions

Cut pumpkin flesh into thin strips for pasta and sprinkle with sea salt to soften the flesh. Let the pumpkin sit while you prepare the pesto.

Chop pumpkin seeds in a food processor or blender, add oils to blend and then place herbs to puree until well blended.

Drain pumpkin pasta and toss with pesto.

Garnish with fresh cut corn, dried cranberries and currants. Yum!

Karriej's Thoughts

By karriej

The inspiration for this recipe belongs to Elizabeth Osselini, a raw food teacher at Whole Foods in St. Louis. This is from her class last night and I thought it was AMAZING and will be a staple for me through the holidays. It’s SO easy and SO good!

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I think most pie pumpkins are only the size of a large cantaloupe. But I'm sure it would be good with any kind of pumpkin.

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I'm so glad you liked it. We first cut the pumpkin into quarters, then peeled it and using a mandoline, julienned the pumpkin lenghtwise. They also have that hand held julienne cutter or maybe even using a potato peeler you could make thin flat linguini like noodles. I guess if you have one of those spiralizers you could get really great long spagetti like strands. Good luck...

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Looks good- I love seeing all the pumpkin recipes. I'm trying to eat more seasonally.


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I just got a pie pumpkin last night to make this recipie! The pie pumpkins were easy to find because there was a large sign! lol.. They are the size of a cantaloupe. I will let you guys know how it turns out as I am tweaking the pesto part just a bit. So excited that I wish it was time to start getting dinner ready now! lol...

14 votes
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I think most pie pumpkins are only the size of a large cantaloupe. But I'm sure it would be good with any kind of pumpkin.

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sounds yummy, how do you tell the difference between a pie pumpkin and a carving pumpkin?

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I'm so glad you liked it. We first cut the pumpkin into quarters, then peeled it and using a mandoline, julienned the pumpkin lenghtwise. They also have that hand held julienne cutter or maybe even using a potato peeler you could make thin flat linguini like noodles. I guess if you have one of those spiralizers you could get really great long spagetti like strands. Good luck...

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It's REALLY good! I made it for lunch today and it definitely reminds me of the real thing. Besides the use of seasonal produce, I really like the fact that I used the whole pumpkin for this one recipe. Any tips on getting the pumpkin into strands? That was the only real difficult part.

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Looks good- I love seeing all the pumpkin recipes. I'm trying to eat more seasonally.

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