KurdishMom0607, get ready now to indulge! I really don’t know what this is going to taste like. I just thought it up.
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Recipe Directions


1. First, blend 1 cup of nut milk, 1/3 cup my almond butter, raspberries, and 1/3 cup agave till creamy smooth.

2. Put in ice cream maker and freeze.


3. Blend another cup of nut milk, 1/3 cup almond butter, 1/3 cup agave, and the lime flesh till nice n’ smooth.

4. Put in ice cream maker and freeze.


5. Blend another cup of nut milk, 1/3 cup almond butter, peeled orange, and 1/3 cup agave.

6. Put in ice cream maker and freeze.

7. In a large container put a bunch of raspberry sherbet in the bottom, lime sherbet in the middle, and finally orange sherbet on top. Enjoy!

Rawclaire's Thoughts

By rawclaire

KurdishMom0607, get ready now to indulge!

I really don’t know what this is going to taste like. I just thought it up.

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Actually I came to Kurdistan from the USA.. (born in Minnesota and grew up in California). I've been here for over two years now but I love it here. It's nothing like the rest of Iraq, and I've married into a wonderful family. No one is raw here, except me, but that's ok..

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Oh ok! That's really neat! What made you move to Kurdistan by the way? :)

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I could kiss you... this is so exciting.. I'm going to have to sub raspberries but that's ok.. Look out sherbet heaven.... here I come!


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Wow! I would love to move to Kurdistan too. :)

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Actually I came to marry my husband. We met online and after talking for about a year we decided that I would move to Kurdistan because it was much easier also it would give me a chance to meet all my in-laws and learn about the culture. I've never regreted it because I love my husband's family so much and the city I live in is so beautiful and friendly. If it wasn't for my family in the states I think I'd never go back

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Oh ok! That's really neat! What made you move to Kurdistan by the way? :)

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Actually I came to Kurdistan from the USA.. (born in Minnesota and grew up in California). I've been here for over two years now but I love it here. It's nothing like the rest of Iraq, and I've married into a wonderful family. No one is raw here, except me, but that's ok..

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Wow! You really are Kurdish! I am reading about Kurdistan Region in National Geographic! That's really cool! Yeah, I think your new version would come out great.Let me know how this comes out! :)

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Ya know come to think of it I did see a variety of rainbow sherbet when I was still in the US that had lemon and I think yes, also blackberry... Who knows? Maybe I'll come up with a new flavor rainbow sherbet and it'll be just as good?

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I live in the Kurdistan Region of North Iraq.. Not exactly a place for someone trying raw foods cause there's limited produce and not a big demand for healthy living...

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You could probably use a lemon too! Where do you live?

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lol yeah there are strawberries coming soon and I'm thinking either that or we have a nice blackberry bush in our yard.. now if I can just find a lime I'm set!

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oh I guess sub the rasperries meant you had to substitute them. I usually buy a bag of frozen raspberries in the freezer at my grocery store, and I dont bother paying the money for those expensive fresh ones. If that doesn't pan out, you could try strawberries.

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wow kurdishmom0607. I'm glad your happy! (but what does sub the raspberries mean?) This might turn out more like ice cream, you can leave the almond butter out and it might turn out interesting. I've never tried putting nut milks in the ice cream maker. Tell how it comes out! : )

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I could kiss you... this is so exciting.. I'm going to have to sub raspberries but that's ok.. Look out sherbet heaven.... here I come!

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