Recipe Directions

1. Place macadamia nuts in the blender. Cover with just enough water to come up to level with the nuts.

2. Add the probiotic powder. Whir in the blender until absolutely smooth (this may take about 10 minutes, so make sure your blender doesn’t get too hot). The consistency should be like cold cream.

3. Place in a mesh bag/cloth napkin and twist until the bag is sealed.

4. Place in a colander and put a weight on the top (I use a plate with a can of something) and put in a very warm place (like your dehydrator or the radiator) for up to 48 hours.

5. Refrigerate.

Poemomm's Thoughts

By poemomm

This cream cheese actually tastes like cream cheese, feels like it, and looks like it.

The secret is in the probiotics.

Use it for awesome cream cheese, or serve with Bagels and Lox.

Note: Depending on your taste, you may want to use less probiotic or ferment for less time. Our house is only about 60 F, so it takes 48 hours to taste right.

Also please note: This fermented cream can be used as the starter in place of the probiotic for your next batch. I’d use fresh every 6 batches or so.

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if i put it in my dehydrator what temperature should it be at? i think the lowest is 75 or so. will that make a difference on how much probiotic i should use and how long to leave it set out? thanks. i can't wait to try it.

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angie - thanks so much. I will cut the probiotic down since I live in sunny Southern Cal and it's going to be a warm weekend. I really appreciate the answer just in time for my first try at this!

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this looks so yummy! but, i don't have a dehydrator or radiator and i can't think of anywhere else to put this! i really want to try it, though. any other suggestions?


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Thank you so much for posting this:) I made about half the recipe, and used 4 caps(1/2 tsp) of the probiotic powder, and it came out so delicious!

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I keep jarro-dophilus (capsules) in the fridge. What kind of probiotic powder should be used for a suitable flavour?

1/4 cup would be VERY expensive. I would have to buy 3 big boxes of the capsules or something!

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I've been making this a lot lately. I've been using 1 cup of macadamia nuts (or occasionally sunflower seeds or cashews), enough water to just cover them, and the contents of just one capsule of probiotic powder. If it turns out too sour, a little agave syrup and/or a pinch of salt helps with that.

I've found there's a lot you can do with it too: water it down to make a sour cream substitute; add water and sweetener and/or fruit to make yoghurt; or add water, spices & maybe some blended mango to make a lassi.

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I _love_ this stuff! I tried making it once with sunflower seeds, which was OK, but nowhere near as nice. btw, if you don't strain it in cloth, & just leave it to ferment in a jar, you get a great sour cream.

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if i put it in my dehydrator what temperature should it be at? i think the lowest is 75 or so. will that make a difference on how much probiotic i should use and how long to leave it set out? thanks. i can't wait to try it.

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I make this a few weeks ago - I am still eating it with my breads. I only put in one capsule of Power Dophilius Probiotic and it was sour within 24 hours. I put in frig and added more salt and the sourness went down in a day or two. I honeslty don't think you need that much probiotic powder. I use probiotic to get my sour cream really sour and no matter how much I make I only need the one capusle. As long as you blend it in well - it should sour up the whole batch. My suggestions to those having problems with it being too sour is to not leave it out so long - the longer it ferments with the probiotic - the more sour it will be. Stick in the frig sooner than later and it will stop souring.

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mine turne out sour too. i think i may have used too much probiotic powder. i only let it ferment for 24 hours. i can never get my raw recipes to turn out the way they are supposed to.

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I tried this and it bombed big time. It was absolutely horrible, taste and texture wise, and talk about an expensive mistake! Whew! Obviously it's my error, so does anyone have a hint as to what I did wrong? It was sour and gritty, not smooth at all. Others rave about this, so it's "cook's error," me! Help?

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How long will this keep?

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Yes, the amount of probiotic and culturing time really depends on the temp of your house and the quality of the brand you use.

here at our house it's generally around 57 degrees during the day and even lower at night. And no, I'm not really happy about walking around in my coat inside. LOL I expect to reduce the amount as spring comes.

I find, though, that if you're using a starter batch of the cream cheese that you've already made, you WILL need 1/4 c of the cream cheese.

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angie - thanks so much. I will cut the probiotic down since I live in sunny Southern Cal and it's going to be a warm weekend. I really appreciate the answer just in time for my first try at this!

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jsorens2 - I used capsules, and I used about 10 of them. It was done in a day. I think the cooler the temperature, the more probiotic you need because they don't multiply as quickly if it isn't warm. My house is around 72 degrees F and I just let it sit on the counter. But maybe it also depends on the brand of probiotic you use?

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I want to try this, but can't help thinking that the probiotic is a huge amount. Am I reading it right, 1/4 CUP, American measure?

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I made a small batch of this to try it out - what a mistake! It is gone, and I never got to try even half of the ideas I had for it! It is so good, I keep using it for all kinds of stuff. I bought more nuts, and I am going to try it with cashews maybe?

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okay, mine went into the circular file. sigh! Not sure what happened, but I did learn one thing, unless you are into St Patricks Day big time, do not, I repeat, do not use green probiotics, it just makes it hard to look at. I felt like saying I do not eat green eggs and ham, I do not eat them on a train, I do not eat them on a plane, I do not eat them anywhere. lol But I have not given up, will try again.

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honeywater, I am making this right now; it is just sitting on the counter in my kitchen, and it is working! (My kitchen is around 70 or 72 degrees.)

poemomm, my mom just had a veggie pizza the other day (crescent roll dough with cream cheese/sour cream mixture and then cut-up fresh veggies on top), and she challenged me to make an all-raw version. I knew I had seen this recipe, so now I am trying it. Thanks! I also gave her a piece of your two crust pie to eat on her road trip today. Your recipes might be a huge part of helping my mom eat high raw - you rock!

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Here's one (and suitable for vegans):

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Hello - I have not been able to find any powdered probiotic - health food store , etc. Do you have a brand or something I can search for any buy on line?

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Top of the fridge or in a VERY low oven. If you live in a warm climate you could just put it in the sun.

36 votes
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this looks so yummy! but, i don't have a dehydrator or radiator and i can't think of anywhere else to put this! i really want to try it, though. any other suggestions?

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I just finished making this delicious cheese myself. Although it did have a faint sour taste, it was fine. Perfectly smooth and creamy. I added a little raw honey, and spread it on my sesame sunflower seed bread with slices of banana. Yum, yum...thanks for sharing this! :)

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I saw a video last night using almonds and rejuvelac to make a nut cheese that looked closely like a cream cheese. Of course you could always add some fresh herbs to this. I'd think you would add them before you drain the excess liquid. Now isnt that tempting. And you could definately make a hit at a party with some raw crackers ;).

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poemomm, i think your spellings are pretty close. i don't know exactly what cultures are present in the rejuvelac, but there are definitely live and active cultures in there.

i made some cheese with brazil nuts and rejuvelac that came out nice and cheesy tasting. it's been keeping me satiated after eating big all vegetable dinners. thanks for posting, i want to make it with mac nuts but they are super expensive (14.10 a pound at my wonderful health food co-op)

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Could you possibly leave out the probiotic powder and use rejuvelac instead of plain water?

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NO! I never soak mac nuts - I think they get slimy and weird flavoured.

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