A Community Recipe by Poemomm
I’ve been craving lox. When most people say ‘lox’ they don’t mean gravlox, they mean smoked salmon. Having grown up in a Jewish family, bagels and lox is the comfort food of my childhood. A few days ago I decided to create the elements for an authentic Bagel-n-Lox. This is as close as any smoked salmon recipe I’ve...
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Apr 16, 2010
it should read one-eighth teaspoon of smoke flavouring (I fixed it) - it's a flavouring, and it's not technically raw that I know of, but it provides the essential flavour to the lox.
Apr 19, 2010
liquid smoke is a condensed extract of smoke, made using a funnel to condense the smoke from a hardwood fire into a liquid form (they collect the drippings). Not raw by any stretch of the imagination. :-)
Apr 20, 2010
Bingo - you hit the nail on the head.
Apr 23, 2010
You could... but it wouldn't be the same at all. The difference between this recipe and other "sour creams' or "cream cheeses" that you see is the probiotics. You'll get a tangy, sour cheeze by using an acid, but it won't be lacto-fermented... and it won't taste really and truly real. :-)
Apr 23, 2010
OOOOoooo! I want to make this but can I substitute the ume vinegar with anything? I'd love to use my kombucha vin.
Apr 20, 2010
Bingo - you hit the nail on the head.
Chris S
Apr 20, 2010
Well as long as the bulk is raw. A small addition for flavor sake won't kill us once in awhile, right? Look at most of the vanilla's on the market. We do love our vanilla.
Apr 19, 2010
liquid smoke is a condensed extract of smoke, made using a funnel to condense the smoke from a hardwood fire into a liquid form (they collect the drippings). Not raw by any stretch of the imagination. :-)
Chris S
Apr 19, 2010
Dumb question time. Why is liquid smoke not raw? I'm sure it's obvious but for me and others who may want to know.
Apr 18, 2010
Lox and bagels is something I miss terrible, drool:-D
Apr 16, 2010
it should read one-eighth teaspoon of smoke flavouring (I fixed it) - it's a flavouring, and it's not technically raw that I know of, but it provides the essential flavour to the lox.
Apr 16, 2010
what is this:
1.8 tsp liquid smoke, not raw...but essential
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