Recipe Directions

1. Gather ingredients. Chop and grate as instructed above.

2. Mix everything besides pomegranate first. Then add pomegranate.

3. For a little extra fruity flavor, pop some pomegranate seeds into the mix. Finally, put the stuffing in mushrooms.


RishiFromRoshis's Thoughts

By rishiFromRoshis

It's getting to be that time of year again. The time when family comes together, smiles are exchanged, and food is shared (my favorite part).

I have to admit, though, that Thanksgiving food is in my list of Top 10 meals of the year, and its the day I’m most likely to have non-raw food.

Something about mashed potatoes and gravy (vegetarian, of course) makes me giddy like a raw-foodist with a plate full of mango.

Still, I’d like to offer all of you this dish to try.

If you’re as much of a fan of stuffing and mushrooms as I am, you’re sure to love this one.

I tried to fit all those wonderful Thanksgiving flavors in, so whoever you make it for it sure to show plenty of gratitude. Hope you like it!

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drgonfly's Review

Roshi's Thank You Very Muchrooms
5 out of 5

I just made this & it was very, very good, thank you for sharing! I plan on bringing it to a non raw Christmas party.

Just to let you know everyone loved this. This is a delicious way to get rid of extra almond meal.

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hey, this looks wonderful i think ill have to give it a try

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The comment above says that the picture loos great... but i don't see a picture! Sounds lovely and i think i might try this today! I'm going to soak some almonds now! Thanks or this ;)


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drgonfly's Review

Roshi's Thank You Very Muchrooms
5 out of 5

I just made this & it was very, very good, thank you for sharing! I plan on bringing it to a non raw Christmas party.

Just to let you know everyone loved this. This is a delicious way to get rid of extra almond meal.

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waterbaby12347's Review

Roshi's Thank You Very Muchrooms
5 out of 5

Very nice, I love poms in anything, looks sooooo pretty!!!

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The comment above says that the picture loos great... but i don't see a picture! Sounds lovely and i think i might try this today! I'm going to soak some almonds now! Thanks or this ;)

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hehehe...I love the prep. The picture looks amazing!

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hey, this looks wonderful i think ill have to give it a try

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