Cinnamon buns but with creamy banana! Yum! :)
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Recipe Directions

1. In a food processor, combine 1 date with bananas, banana flour, and celery powder until completely smooth.

2. Spread mixture in 3 strips of 1 by 11 by half inch thick on a Teflex sheet.

3. Dehydrate for 10 hours.

4. Flip and dehydrate for another 5 hours.

5. Carefully remove from the teflex sheet. At this point, the strips should be kind of dry and cracky. 

6. Dip each strip in some fruit juice (ideally pale in color) and let sit in the fridge for long enough so that you can actually roll it without breaking it.

7. In a coffee grinder or food processor, whip together 2 Medjool dates and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon until smooth.

8. Spread the mixture onto one side of each strip, and carefully roll up into a cinnamon bun.

9. Put the cinnamon rolls back in the dehydrator until they have reach a desired temperature and consistency.

10. Top with jicama frosting or serve as is!

Sweet Adeline's Thoughts

By Sweet Adeline

Cinnamon buns but with creamy banana!

Yum! :)

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it's simply bananas that you've dehydrated for like 2 to 3 days and then pulverized in a coffee grinder :)

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what in the world is banana flour? or how do you make it?


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it's simply bananas that you've dehydrated for like 2 to 3 days and then pulverized in a coffee grinder :)

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what in the world is banana flour? or how do you make it?

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