Recipe Directions

  • 1. Add pecans to food processor. Process until quite small - resembling coarse flour.
  • 2. Add dates. Process until well combined and you can't even see the dates any more.
  • 3. Break a perfectly ripe banana (not too hard and not too soft) into chunks and add to food processor mixture. Process again until banana is well combined.
  • 4. Spread mixture onto parchment paper. Dehydrate in your dehydrator for approximately 8 hours.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

 Enjoy this raw turtles recipe batter ooeh and gooey straight out of the food processor for a super sugary, caramel style nut fudge. Or spread onto a dehydrator sheet and dehydrate for caramel candies.

 The flavor of my raw turtles recipe is super sweet pecan pie with a subtle hint of banana flavor.

The main downside to this mixture is that it's super sticky and can be a bit of a pain to wash from the food processor.

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Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 88 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.

Amounts per 30 g (1 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 97 4 %
Protein 1.1 g 2 %
Fat 6 g 7 %
Carbohydrates 12 g 3 %
Dietary Fiber 1.9 g 6 %
Sugars 8 g
Calcium 10 mg 1 %
Iron 0.33 mg 3 %
Sodium 0.41 mg
Source: USDA

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No sorry I do not have the nutritional value for this recipe. However, it shouldn't be too hard to calculate since it is only three ingredients. Try a free online calculator - like fitday etc

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woohoo!! I now have nutritional data on every recipe ---!!!!!!!

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I have to say, these are incredible!!

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Corrie :)

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What is the Thai Larb Recipe mentioned above?

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I am trying to eat raw but finding it daunting as I am such a meat lover.. but have enjoyed those recipes that I have tried. However, how do you manage to not GAIN weight as the calories seems so high with all those nuts and one salad recipe had a whole avocado per person. I know it is all healthy fats but i fear I will put on pounds with all those calories. How do you explain this?
. I would normally eat a piece of baked chicken, fish or lean beef with lots of salad and/ cooked veggies..gets boring. However, I would think all the nuts, avocados and oils, which i love, would have more calories and I would gain weight..

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Hi Stephanie, it is all about balance. And for me I do not eat heavy nut-based stuff for every meal. Trick is to get really in tune with your body.  Sometimes if I eat a lot of heavy stuff for a day or two I might start to feel a bit "heavy" - not so much weight wise but just a feeling that I need to eat some lighter foods. Basically sometimes my body is like GIMME SOME NUTS OR AVOCADOS and other times my body is like GET THOSE NUTS AWAY FROM ME. It's not really an intellectual diet related thing, it's somehow my body communicating to me how I feel. Does this sound too hippy-dippy?

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This was delicious! I plan to put a spoonful into my oatmeal tomorrow morning. Thank you for sharing. :)

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My pleasure! Glad you like, Cat. :)

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This looks amazing!...I am inspired to make a turtle brownie. Use your recipe for the brownie and then top that with the turtle mixture and then top that with the chocolate frosting Raw Decadence <3...thanks for the inspiration to get creative ;D

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I love it when my inspirations inspire you, Lizzy!

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I used walnuts and had to add some water, so it turned out more of a pudding than a gooey turtle, but it was delicious anyways! Thanks for the inspiration!

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That works Josh! Lol

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My first day on a raw food diet, I made thai Larb Zucchini and this as the desert. One of the best meals of my life and quite possibly the best meal I've ever made. Jaw dropping awesome.

By chance our food processor didn't quite get everything fully mixed and some of the pecan+dates crumb mixture stuck to the bottom and didn't get mixed with the banana too well, when I scooped it out it made this great crumbly topping. I'd recommend leaving some of this mix off to the side and sprinkling it on. Makes for an extra level of texture awesomeness.


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Hey Jason I love your idea of holding some back and adding it at the end for texture!

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Hi, your recipes looks great, i would love to try them. But I dont own a food processor.
I was wondering if I buy a mini one (500ml bowl) if that's too small or would it be ok for most of your really cool raw recipes? thanks!

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Do not buy a mini - too small! Get at least a 6 cup

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My mistake was using soaked pecans (instead of soaking and then dehydrating), so the dates didn't have anything dry to cling to. It was all a mushy runny mess, so I improvised and threw in some chopped raw almonds to give them a bit of texture, then put it all in a 9x13 pan topped with your amazing easy delicious raw chocolate recipe. I have them in the freezer and they are great just to slice off a little piece when we are craving sweets. AWESOME! Thank you!

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also...dates are on my food sensitivity list as a +1. Should I replace them? I don't know if they bother me! If so, what should I replace them with?

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Can you have raisins? I'd try golden raisins personally. The dates add sweetness, and raisins are sweet. :)

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hmmmmmm not sure if it would work but you could try prunes. NEVER tried this myself so.... if it sucks don't blame me hehe

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This seems amazing, I want to try it soon. AFter my reboot. Can u tell me how specific I need to be when buying my nuts? I was told NOT to buy them from Wal-Mart. I only have one other option. How important is it?

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most important is to get untoasted, unsalted. Doesn't really matter where you get them.

Be aware that most nuts aren't "truly raw" unless you get them from specialty stores. Most nuts have been heated above 105 degrees even if package says raw, 

For most newbies just start out with "unsalted" and "untoasted" or "raw" (but probably not truly raw) as a good place to start

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Mmmm! I just made these with a pear (because bananas are on my possibly bad list due to their link to latex and avocados). After they were frozen, I whipped up the chocolates recipe you listed here: and coated the turtles with it after it had thickened up a bit. If you want to top them with a pecan, top them RIGHT AWAY because the chocolate hardens up fast. SO GOOD.

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Sounds yummy Kristen. Thanks for sharing!

Can you explain latex avacado thing? never heard of that before

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