Recipe Directions

1. Soak almonds in water for 6 hours. Drain.

2. Throw in a processor with an S blade until almonds are the size of oats.

3. Add agave nectar, oil, carob powder, and dates. Blend until all mixed together.

4. Transfer from blender into bowl.

5. Add chopped macadamias and roll into balls.

6. Roll balls in a separate bowl of shredded coconut. Enjoy!

Breezybree's Thoughts

By Breezybree

I find this a really easy and quick energizing treat to make!

Yum, yum, yum!

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32 votes
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one more thing... It is probably better Brazilian nut oil or other oil from nuts to integrate with other ingredients. Also, why do you prefer Carob vs. Cacao? This day it is available in raw/organic form

28 votes
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Nice quick snack recipe. I like the nut oil suggestion. I followed the recipe using olive oil and mine turned out a bit dry. I might reblend them with some additional oil.

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how beautiful... is almost how i make date-nut balls ~thank you!


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Nice quick snack recipe. I like the nut oil suggestion. I followed the recipe using olive oil and mine turned out a bit dry. I might reblend them with some additional oil.

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one more thing... It is probably better Brazilian nut oil or other oil from nuts to integrate with other ingredients. Also, why do you prefer Carob vs. Cacao? This day it is available in raw/organic form

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22 votes
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how beautiful... is almost how i make date-nut balls ~thank you!

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