This salad is a staple in my diet. It’s quick and easy to take for lunch, high in protein and super tasty!

Recipe Directions

Sprout quinoa, being sure not to rinse immediately prior to making the salad (or else it gets too wet). add remainder of ingredients and mix well. i find that i get the best mix of flavours when i chiffonade the basil and kale together (roll the leaves into a cigar shape and slice thinly into strips).

Adjust lemon juice, salt and olive oil to taste.


Lalala's Thoughts

By lalala

This salad is a staple in my diet. It’s quick and easy to take for lunch, high in protein and super tasty!

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Quinoa is sooo easy to sprout, you just soak it for a few hours and let it sit for, maybe an hour and boom, they all have little tails.

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Does it need to be spread thin in order to sprout? How large a strainer would you need for 1 cup of quinoa?

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I looooooove this recipe, made it twice in two weeks, I'm hooked. Thanks for sharing!


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I looooooove this recipe, made it twice in two weeks, I'm hooked. Thanks for sharing!

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sorry it took me so long to see this!

it doesn't need to be spread thin at all. i use a strainer that i would use to drain, say a cup of pasta or something....what i usually wash a container of berries in. it's a fairly small strainer but having relatively small holes would be more important because quinoa are little!

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Does it need to be spread thin in order to sprout? How large a strainer would you need for 1 cup of quinoa?

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Quinoa is sooo easy to sprout, you just soak it for a few hours and let it sit for, maybe an hour and boom, they all have little tails.

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I have heard a lot of methods of sprouting grains and seeds but i find this is the easiest and requires the least equipment:

-Soak quinoa in water in a bowl for a few hours to overnight

-Strain in a mesh strainer and rinse thoroughly (this is particularly important for quinoa as it can be bitter otherwise)

-leave quinoa in strainer over the bowl covered in a dry towel for about 24 hours, or until the tails are about 1/2 inch long

-with quinoa, but not as much with other grains, it is important to rinse thoroughly every 8 hours or so to remove the bitter taste

Quinoa is a fast sprouter, usually it's already going when i drain the first time.

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This is a dumb question, but i don't really sprout anything at all.. how do you sprout your quinoa? I've been wanting to do this and just haven't had the time to look into it. Thanks!

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