Recipe Directions

mix it all up! eat! burp!

Dodo's Thoughts

By dodo

a very hearty salad utilising my sunflower sourcream recipe as the salad sauce, you can use your favourite creamy raw dressing if you prefer, i would recomend getting a bit of garlic in there somehow though

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Yes DODO It seems that me and you have the same palate. This looks like another good one. I will have to cook the quinoa tho becos my daughter hates it sprouted

Thanks for the recipe keep it coming. I just had your sweet and sour salad about an hour ago at for lunch at work.

28 votes
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This looks good... i don't have any alfalfa, so may just do it all with Quinoa... I've been wanting to try Kohl Rabi but just haven't been adventurous enough :)

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i soaked them for an hour then sprouted for about 24 to 36. just finished eating it , it was nummy :)


18 votes
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I looooove salads so much. Thank you:-)

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the inside of cauliflower stems has the same taste as kohl rabi too. the alfafa do give it a certain taste but it should still be delishous without it too.:)

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I LOVE kohlrabi - I've found that the inside of broccoli stems tastes remarkably similar, though, for anyone who can't get kohlrabi (like me; I'll grow some next year).

This recipe sounds really good!

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This looks good... i don't have any alfalfa, so may just do it all with Quinoa... I've been wanting to try Kohl Rabi but just haven't been adventurous enough :)

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hehe thanks it wrong of me to feel smug that you like my recipes? :P

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Yes DODO It seems that me and you have the same palate. This looks like another good one. I will have to cook the quinoa tho becos my daughter hates it sprouted

Thanks for the recipe keep it coming. I just had your sweet and sour salad about an hour ago at for lunch at work.

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i soaked them for an hour then sprouted for about 24 to 36. just finished eating it , it was nummy :)

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ooh! i love veggie main dishes. how long do you let the alfalfa sprout for?

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