My favourite thing to eat at the moment is mush…. I’ve only been raw for a month now and I just got a processor last week, so I’ve really been abusing my processing power… so here is one of my creations.
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Recipe Directions

Whack it all in the processor and enjoy I’ve either been eating it will crudités or on top of cucumber spaghetti… if you add more water it would probably make a nice raw soup as well…

Rawmonster's Thoughts

By rawmonster

My favourite thing to eat at the moment is mush…. I’ve only been raw for a month now and I just got a processor last week, so I’ve really been abusing my processing power… so here is one of my creations.

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sounds like a good combo... ~thanx!

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You picked up some London slang there I see. I like that, "Whack it all in the processor".. makes me homesick for Aussie land. This dish sounds lovely. I am going to make it tomorrow.


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sounds like a good combo... ~thanx!

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You picked up some London slang there I see. I like that, "Whack it all in the processor".. makes me homesick for Aussie land. This dish sounds lovely. I am going to make it tomorrow.

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