I saw this a long time ago in a hippie cookbook, but it used sugar. Once I brought it to a party where everyone was heavy drinkers and to my shock, everyone drank this before they touched the alcohol! Need I saw more? It is refreshing and will make you just a bit giddy! Put this into a transparent pitcher, it looks...
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Recipe Directions

Take each grape and pop it with your fingers, just a bit to release the juice. Drop into picture. Tear or slightly crush mint leaves and add to pitcher. Drop sliced strawberries into pitcher. Add sweetener. Juice lemons using a fork and then slice lemon rind and add to pitcher. Using a long-handled spoon, stir fruit and sweetener and let the flavors get acquainted with one another. Fill the rest of pitcher with water and ice. Add more sweetener if needed. Get ready to sigh!!

Sabriya's Thoughts

By sabriya

I saw this a long time ago in a hippie cookbook, but it used sugar. Once I brought it to a party where everyone was heavy drinkers and to my shock, everyone drank this before they touched the alcohol! Need I saw more? It is refreshing and will make you just a bit giddy! Put this into a transparent pitcher, it looks so pretty and will impress your friends with minimum effort!

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A hippie cookbook?! O_o

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artzyfartzy, to juice a lemon, you just slice it in half, impale it with a fork, and jiggle it around until all the juice comes out. Easy for you, not so easy for the lemon.

Anne, yeah, a hippie cookbook. It basically consisted of stuff you could make without a full kitchen, say, in the back of a Volkswagen van.

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artzyfartzy, to juice a lemon, you just slice it in half, impale it with a fork, and jiggle it around until all the juice comes out. Easy for you, not so easy for the lemon.

Anne, yeah, a hippie cookbook. It basically consisted of stuff you could make without a full kitchen, say, in the back of a Volkswagen van.

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A hippie cookbook?! O_o

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this sounds grate! how do you juice a lemon with a fork? i'm kinda clueless on juicing..

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Sounds like a yummy and pretty, summer drink!

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