A delicious, refreshing winter salad. Serves two as a main course. I make it and eat half for dinner and take half for lunch the next day! Approximate Calories per serving, 400 [if you are counting calories just cut out two tablespoons of the oil to bring it down to about 300 calories per serving]

Recipe Directions

Cut carrots into three sections (aim for matchstick length and not long carrot noodles). Julienne slice carrot sections on a mandoline (if you don’t have a mandoline aim to slice the carrots into matchstick size).

Cut the tough green tops off of the fennel saving some of the fronds for garnish and julienne the bulb on a mandonline (same goes for the fennel if you don’t have a mandoline – matchstick size).

Take a tablespoon of oil from the sun dried tomatoes and blend it with the olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, and olives in a blender (you may want to add a tablespoon or two of water depending on the thickness).

Toss the carrots and fennel with the salt, red chile flakes, and olive dressing. Toss in sliced sundried tomatoes. Let sit for about a half hour for the flavors to meld together and enjoy. You can decorate with chopped fennel fronds or parsely!

[if you are not an olive fan just don’t use them and have a lemon/balsamic vinegrette – just as good]

VIBRANCE's Thoughts


A delicious, refreshing winter salad. Serves two as a main course. I make it and eat half for dinner and take half for lunch the next day!

Approximate Calories per serving, 400 [if you are counting calories just cut out two tablespoons of the oil to bring it down to about 300 calories per serving]

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I love fennel, sounds delicious! Thanks Vibrance

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Thanks! I bought some fennel & wasn't sure what I would do with it.


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Thanks! I bought some fennel & wasn't sure what I would do with it.

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I love fennel, sounds delicious! Thanks Vibrance

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