Recipe Directions

1. Carefully remove a football shaped slice from an apple quarter. This will be reserved as the tongue.

2. Sprinkle all cut surfaces with orange juice.

3. Fill with nut butter, as desired.

4. Add nuts or seeds as teeth. Tongue is the cut removed from an apple quarter. Stick tongue in with a bit of nut butter.

5. Add eyes with toothpicks using berries or grapes.

Evergreen's Thoughts

By evergreen

A quick, easy, and healthy treat for Halloween.

These may be better for older boys and ghouls--I mean girls. :)

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Top voted

24 votes
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Ha ha, how cute! Now there's a way to get kids to eat!

22 votes
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Evergreen, you are a raw halloween genius! These look so awesome.

Very creative indeed.

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11 votes
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these are so cute!!!

11 votes
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Vote down! many nice comments...i hope you all enjoy these with your little ones:)

10 votes
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very creative! those are so eerily cute! i wanna eat them all! who's scared now, hu?!!!

13 votes
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Rawhahahaha!! Cool.

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12 votes
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Cool!!!!! My daughter will love these!

12 votes
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OMG those RAWK!

24 votes
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Ha ha, how cute! Now there's a way to get kids to eat!

Top Voted
15 votes
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omg! I looooove them!!:D

13 votes
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These little fruit creatures are wonderful. :)

12 votes
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Vote down! creative!! i think i was born without that gene ;) LOL looks good!

13 votes
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So cool! You are so creative! ;)

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OMG so friggin cute! Gotta do it!

14 votes
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greatest. halloween treat. ever.

11 votes
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thanks , everyone! guys are always so sweet:)!

11 votes
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These are totally creepy and original! Nice work!

12 votes
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NICE that is super creative and RAWCKS!!! YEAH!

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I LOVE IT! How awesome!

12 votes
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Loooooooooooove the nut butter idea.

22 votes
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Evergreen, you are a raw halloween genius! These look so awesome.

Very creative indeed.

Top Voted
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so creative :)

13 votes
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