A perfect alternative to the “Green Smoothie.” Get your daily greens without ruining a yummy fruit smoothie, or inefficiently juicing greens…

Recipe Directions

Juice carrots, apples, celery, beat, garlic and ginger (or whatever veggies you enjoy juicing, this is my favorite combo).

Pour into blender with kale leaves (or other greens) and blend for 2 minutes.

Pour over ice and drink with a straw (foam on top makes a straw very handy)

I never liked ruining a fruit smoothie with greens. Not that it tastes bad, but fruit smoothies are sooo yummy on their own. I also didn’t like juicing leafy greens because of all the waste. So this is my solution and I love it! In my opion greens go much better with other veggies than they do with fruit.

Juliennecoyle's Thoughts

By juliennecoyle

A perfect alternative to the “Green Smoothie.” Get your daily greens without ruining a yummy fruit smoothie, or inefficiently juicing greens…

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30 votes
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Yeah, you have to be a big juice fan to thoroughly enjoy this combo. Guess I should have mentioned that :) Sorry you were disappointed.

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Super duper!

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This was not so good. I think I was expecting the apples to make it a bit sweeter. The combination of flavors was not great, but I think I am partial to sweet smoothies.


15 votes
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I'm giving you a boost. I don't think it's fair to knock down a recipe rating because it's not as full of fruit sugars as other smoothies. A thumbs up for a healthier drink!

17 votes
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I have made similar but I would leave the garlic out. I like celery/carrot/apple combo with ginger.

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Yeah, you have to be a big juice fan to thoroughly enjoy this combo. Guess I should have mentioned that :) Sorry you were disappointed.

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26 votes
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This was not so good. I think I was expecting the apples to make it a bit sweeter. The combination of flavors was not great, but I think I am partial to sweet smoothies.

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Super duper!

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