A colorful, beautiful salad marinated in a lemony herb dressing. My Italian husband loves this one—even though he is “ify” about most of my food! This gets better the longer it sits in the marinade (within reason, of course!). It won’t last long!

Recipe Directions

Combine all diced vegetables with fresh parsley in a large bowl. It is best if the diced veggies can all be the same size. I find that dicing them by hand makes this salad much more attractive than buzzing them in the food processor.

Mix lemon juice, salt, garlic, oil and dried herbs together. Whiz in a vitamix or blender until garlic disappears and dressing is emulsified.

Pour dressing over veggies, toss, and marinate for at least 1 hour before eating (its really best if it sits overnight). Garnish with seeds at the table so they don’t get soggy :)

Crystalline's Thoughts

By Crystalline

A colorful, beautiful salad marinated in a lemony herb dressing. My Italian husband loves this one—even though he is “ify” about most of my food! This gets better the longer it sits in the marinade (within reason, of course!). It won’t last long!

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OOPS! Its supposed to read 3 zucchini, not 1! Sorry about that :)


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OOPS! Its supposed to read 3 zucchini, not 1! Sorry about that :)

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