The combination of these fruits and veg are supposed to be a power-pushing juice recipe for joggers. Clean blood, clean muscles, and enzyme-rich, nutrient-packed, fuel make for intense aerobic activity.
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Recipe Directions

Put the items in the juicer. I used a citrus juicer for the oranges. Drink and Enjoy! Even though recipe calls for a small yam. I used a big one and it still tasted great! I was surprised how sweet it was.

Joesc's Thoughts

By Joesc

The combination of these fruits and veg are supposed to be a power-pushing juice recipe for joggers. Clean blood, clean muscles, and enzyme-rich, nutrient-packed, fuel make for intense aerobic activity.

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This tastes like candy to me! Perfect for training for a half marathon.

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zhanna8 you can use sweet potato in lieu of the yam also because sometimes yam is hard to find.

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This is my favorite juice. I love to drink it right after a tough run/strength train. I'm satisfied for hours!


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This tastes like candy to me! Perfect for training for a half marathon.

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This is my favorite juice. I love to drink it right after a tough run/strength train. I'm satisfied for hours!

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zhanna8 you can use sweet potato in lieu of the yam also because sometimes yam is hard to find.

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Thanks LauraJ. I am going to update it.

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hmmm? yam... who could of think of that?

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I too have tried this awesome drink and the best part is that it's quite filling. It's good for juice fasting for that reason. The yam is the best part!

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This is from the Freedomyou website.

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I felt the same way about the yams.

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Tried this one a few days ago. Was actually, really good. I was a little iffy about the yam, but it turned out delightfully tasty and refreshing.

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