Recipe Directions

1. Put the first six ingredients in the food processor and blend. Pour into a bowl.

2. Then stir 2 cups of blueberries and 1/2 cup of oats into the mixture.

3. Scoop the mixture into paper muffin cups (use thick ones or doubled ones) and sprinkle cinnamon on top of each one.

4. Dehydrate for 24 hours at 110 Fahrenheit.

Rakao's Thoughts

By Rakao

These turned out amazing! My non-raw family loved them.

They taste just like real blueberry muffins. You could argue which kind are actually real.

Use frozen blueberries because they’re more moist after being dehydrated and will better resemble blueberries in cooked muffins.

Good alone or with jam spread on top.

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I'm going to make these to celebrate my extra day off! They look yummy.

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Thanks, Rawlizard. I'll be making these for sure after my cleanse.

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Oooh! Can't wait to make these - Finally some snacks that aren't based with only nuts! Thanks!!!!


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most irritating comment section ever.

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Where is the recipe for this? I do not see it. Thanks.

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I just put mine in the dehydrator! Can't wait to see how they taste!

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I live in Israel and blueberries are way expensive, I made these with soaked goji berries, and they turned out delic!

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These look sooo good.. and I cant wait to try them! But can someone be more specific about the oats? Are these sprouted? Milled? or do you just throw whole oat groats into the processor and let the processor grind them? Or, when the recipe calls for "oats", are we to assume they flakes of oats, like dry oatmeal???

Sorry for the confusion...

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These were wonderful. Does anyone know if we could substitute strawberries, blackberries or perhaps chopped apple or peaches? I think this could be my all round, year round muffin recipe if I can change out the fruits! I don't know a lot about changing recipes around, so advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

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I am going to try these tonight. Instead of oats (I do not eat grains) I am going to try Chia!

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Sonnenhut's Review

Old Fashioned Blueberry Muffins
5 out of 5

Great recipe!

I made them last night and already had one this morning. It's amazing, the texture is really like a muffin! :-) And the taste is much better than any you could buy! ;-)

Personally, I had to make it sweeter, so I used about ten dates and threw in a few raisins, too.

Also, I don't like zucchini, so I used yellow squash (without skin, though), which worked just as well. (Just wanted to mention it, in case someone's allergic to zucchini.)

5 stars, good job!!

Thank you! :-)

10 votes
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"great recipe! but i changed most of it!"

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SnowBunny's Review

Old Fashioned Blueberry Muffins
4 out of 5

Made these last night. Really liked them before I dehydrated them and not so much dehydrated! Guess I'm used to my food being juicy and not dried out :)

13 votes
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i was just going to ask how cranberries would work, rakao answered my question!! i've had a huge bag of them, but they are so tart that i don't really know how to bring out the sweetness in them.

any other cranberry recipes are appreciated!

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I also made a cranberry version of these for Thanksgiving: I used more dates, added some good shakes of cinnamon, put in a squirt of agave and a drizzle of vanilla, and used halved cranberries instead of blueberries. They're great!

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You can use oat groats. Soak them, dry them, and then make oat flour. It does not work with whole oat groats.

This was good. I may make them again.

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I'm gonna try to get these made by Thanksgiving. I don't have any almonds or oats so I'll just use shredded coconut. I love the idea of using squash, that is brilliant! Thank you Rakao, you're recipes rock! :)

26 votes
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Oooh! Can't wait to make these - Finally some snacks that aren't based with only nuts! Thanks!!!!

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I'm going to make these to celebrate my extra day off! They look yummy.

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i used steel-cut oats, but i've heard they're not completely raw. close enough 4 me! :)

13 votes
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What type of oats do you use in this? Whole oat groats, rolled oats, steel-cut oats, etc.?

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Instead of Oats you could try Quinoa flakes.

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Thanks, Rawlizard. I'll be making these for sure after my cleanse.

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19 votes
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Pam, it seems that the first 1/2 cup is part of the first six ingredients that go in the food processor. You add the other half afterwords. :) great recipe!!!

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Looks good! Rakao, the 1/2 cup of oata is repeated. Is this correct?

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These sound spectacular! I love that there's no flax. Zucchini makes such a good binder.

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These look great! Any suggestions to maybe replace the oats with? I never do any grains. Grains are def acid forming.

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Instead of oats you could try Quinoa flakes.

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