This was once my favorite thing to eat.  
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Recipe Directions

Put ingredients in a bowl and stir until blended.

When you're done making the paste, AKA peanut sauce, get some romaine lettuce, walnuts and what ever else you want to put on there and wrap it up in either a leaf or a wrap. It's filling and tastes amazing. I know it sounds strange, same thing I thought too but it is great!

Jaymz72's Thoughts

By jaymz72

This was once my favorite thing to eat.


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It would be nice if your recipe titles said something aboout the recipe- "peanut sauce".

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rawsome idea one of my most favorite SAD foods,PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!! I will give this a try today for lunch, thank you for the help.

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I amke raw peanut butter and this sounds good


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rawsome idea one of my most favorite SAD foods,PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!! I will give this a try today for lunch, thank you for the help.

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peanut butter thats made at home with raw peanuts is raw

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I amke raw peanut butter and this sounds good

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It would be nice if your recipe titles said something aboout the recipe- "peanut sauce".

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Peanut butter isn't raw man. You might want to try it with ground up raw peanuts. For me, they are really mucous forming so I might make it with another nut like almonds...


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