Recipe Directions

1. To make the dumplings, place all ingredients in food processor and process until very smooth. Taste to see how much salt and pepper you’d like to add.

2. Scoop teaspoonfuls of dough onto dehydrator sheets, forming half moon shapes and flatten slightly with the back of the spoon. They should be thin enough to dry through to the middle.

3. Dehydrate for about 8 hours, or until dumplings are crispy and come easily off the dehydrator trays. If you do not have a dehydrator turn your oven to the lowest setting, grease backing sheets with olive oil and scoop teaspoonfuls of dough onto backing sheet. Flatten slightly with the back of the spoon. They should be thin enough to dry through the middle. Put dumplings into the oven and leave the door ajar. Monitor dumplings: when the tops seem dry (about an hour or two) flip them over and continue to dry.

4. To make the sauce, cut the stem base out of top of each tomato, peel skin off, and squeeze out seeds.

5. Put ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Optional; put on mixture into a bowl and place on top of dehydrator or in it to warm for the last hour or so of dehydrating the dumplings.

6. Top the dumplings with the sauce and serve while still warm. Once dried through, they can be kept in the dehydrator at its lowest setting until you’re ready to serve them.

7. Garnish with fresh sage.


Bellasera's Thoughts

By bellasera

Awesome dumplings!


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Bryan I have not tried sun drying them, the dough is actually pretty darn tasty raw, though I'm sure you know more of our doughs raw are tasty. *smile* I'm sure you could sun dry them, mechanical sun drying is just a convent form of sun drying. If I lived in a dryer climate and if I didn't live in a town house with hardly any sun I would sun dry a whole lot more.

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I am changing the recipe slightly- using butternut squash and sunflower seeds. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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I do miss pumpkin. I'd love this recipe, but when I opened my pumpkin there was only a little and very hard flesh. Also, it tasted chalky, as in don't eat this aw. does anyone know about eating raw pumpkin?!


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I am changing the recipe slightly- using butternut squash and sunflower seeds. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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bellasera - do you think using yams or a sweet potato might be even better? Were these dumpling similar to Italian gnocchi (potato dumplings made of flour, eggs and potato, then boiled). I am still on the lookout for a good gnocchi recipe and I've heard of people making sweet potato gnocchi. Wondering if this could work

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Raw pumpkin, like raw yams are delicious. When I first started raw I thought the same thing, raw pumpkin?? But one of my first recipes I made was yam casserole. It was fantastic!!! It's still one of my favorite recipes hands down. The texture smooths out in the food processor, even better if you had a high end blender I'm guessing.

But try it out, if you like pumpkin or yams you'll be very surprised.

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I do miss pumpkin. I'd love this recipe, but when I opened my pumpkin there was only a little and very hard flesh. Also, it tasted chalky, as in don't eat this aw. does anyone know about eating raw pumpkin?!

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Cool thanks looking forward to photos! I came up with totally new 5 minute to make Cupcakes I have photo of it on my website and Bacon and Egg recipe, 2 ingredients, no nuts, no dehydrating, no soaking(because no nuts), fast, fun easy! A lot of my new RAW SPA recipes are going to amaze people and help them stay RAWCKIN' :D

Bryan Au

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Bryan I have not tried sun drying them, the dough is actually pretty darn tasty raw, though I'm sure you know more of our doughs raw are tasty. *smile* I'm sure you could sun dry them, mechanical sun drying is just a convent form of sun drying. If I lived in a dryer climate and if I didn't live in a town house with hardly any sun I would sun dry a whole lot more.

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Having trouble loading my photos from my digital camera but should have it fixed soon. I'll post them as soon as I can. I think I just have too much on my poor computer and it's like "No more, no more!". LOL

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Do you have actual photos of dumplings? :) Sounds great! Also how do they taste not dehydrated? Like have you tried Sun baking them where you leave it in the window in the sun?

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