Recipe Directions

1. Throw everything except flax in a food processor and process until mostly smooth.

2. Add flax and either mix it in a food processor, or by hand if you're feeling ambitious (I wasn't).

3. Cover dehydrator trays with Paraflex sheets and spread the corn chip batter evenly with a spoon.

4. Dehydrate at 105 Fahrenheit for 1 1/2-2 hours and turn over onto mesh trays.

5. Use a knife to score the shape of the chips and continue dehydrating overnight. Store in airtight containers.

Note: I made my chips super thin, under a clearly misguided understanding of how thick corn chips are. And it barely made two trays in my dehydrator. So you may want to increase the ingredients and make them a bit thicker, especially if you're going to do a nacho plate thing and pile stuff on top of them. Mmmm nachos.

Cupcakes revenge's Thoughts

By cupcakes revenge

Sweet, spicy, and delicious raw corn chips.

The natural sweetness of the corn compliments perfectly the spicy heat of jalapenos and cayenne pepper.


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23 votes
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these are REALLY hot. i had never worked with jalapeno peppers before and i burned my mouth and my eyes!! ahaha i left out the cayenne pepper because i figured it wasn't necessary. the consistency is great and they are super crunchy, but i wish i would've used even 1/4th of the jalapeno. my adaptations: i added 2 carrots and 1 sundried tomato to make them sweeter. it didn't really help, but i like the flavor it gave them.

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these look great. i was never really a chip person pre-raw, but these are callin my name.

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denzildragon's Review

Sweet And Spicy Corn Chips
4 out of 5

These sound great. Definitely a recipe to remember once the summer corn is in the stores. :) Frozen sweetcorn is almost certainly blanched before it's frozen though, so it's no longer raw.


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leanneh's Review

Sweet And Spicy Corn Chips
5 out of 5

These are so yummy! Thank you for this recipe! My husband loves them!

3 votes
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I forgot to add my photo. Not as pretty as yours but so yummy!

12 votes
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Thanks for a nice share you have given to us with such an large collection of information. Great work you have done by sharing them to all. simply superb.


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@joannabanana oh no!! I edited the recipe to specify to avoid other kerfuffles.

now that i don't eat bread or milk I don't know what to use to neutralize the spice. I think water is supposed to make it worst even! I guess if you have other raw bread around...?

ok looked it up and some people recommend rubbing lemon over your hands to get it off.

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confession: the salsa recipe is not delicious. I just quickly blended together some tomato and orange pepper for the sake of the photo. It was ok but nothing I would make again. But I promise I will post an actually really good salsa recipe soon. :)

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Can you give the salsa recipe please?? It looks good!!

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ahaha thanks, girl. yeah, i touched the seeds so the juice was under my fingernails- still is!! i can't get it out. it was so funny though because my friend was in the kitchen with me and he asked me to open a package. i tried to open it with my fingers and couldn't, so he used his mouth and 5 seconds later he was running his mouth under the sink water and and fanning his face. we tried wiping our tongues with paper towels to no avail.

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omg joannabanana I have done that with spicy peppers where I've like "oh god this is spicy" and then rub my nose and then i'm like "OH GOD MY NOSE IS BURNING" and then wipe my eyes and then "OH GOOOODDDD!!!"

I am sad to say that I have done this more than once...

um AND if it was your first time using jalapenos, it may be necessary to them before using. Like whatever you do do NOT consume the seeds. I only point this out because my first time using them I left the seeds in, and my husbands first time using them he also left the seeds in. And don't touch the seeds. Use a knife to cut them out and then wash out the rest. If you touch them, it's really really hard to wash off completely and if you touch your face it will burn.

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these are REALLY hot. i had never worked with jalapeno peppers before and i burned my mouth and my eyes!! ahaha i left out the cayenne pepper because i figured it wasn't necessary. the consistency is great and they are super crunchy, but i wish i would've used even 1/4th of the jalapeno. my adaptations: i added 2 carrots and 1 sundried tomato to make them sweeter. it didn't really help, but i like the flavor it gave them.

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@kandace - awesome!! ...or should i say rawsome!

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What a pretty presentation. We're featuring your recipe on the home page this month with other Mexican dishes.

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omg really?? I had no idea! I feel like companies should have to label exactly what they do with their food and whether it's GMO, etc. So annoying that it's impossible to tell in so many cases.

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denzildragon's Review

Sweet And Spicy Corn Chips
4 out of 5

These sound great. Definitely a recipe to remember once the summer corn is in the stores. :) Frozen sweetcorn is almost certainly blanched before it's frozen though, so it's no longer raw.

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21 votes
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these look great. i was never really a chip person pre-raw, but these are callin my name.

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