Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place all ingredients in blender.
  • 2. Blend until pureed!
  • 3. Use your pumpkin puree immediately or store in fridge in a tightly sealed container for up to 3 days.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

This pumpkin puree is useful to have in the fridge around the holidays. I've used it to create raw pumpkin crumble and raw pumpkin fudge, just to name a few of the raw recipes that I've whipped up with this pumpkin puree.

An important note about selecting your pumpkin. Do not use the large pumpkins that are sold at grocery stores for carving. Instead, use a "sugar pumpkin" or a "pie pumpkin," which are generally sold (during autumn) at your local grocery store in the produce section for baking. "Pie" or "sugar" pumpkins are much smaller, sweeter, softer and less fibrous since they are grown for cooking/flavor as opposed to grown for size. If you're not sure, just ask someone working in the produce department at your local grocery store for a pumpkin that is sold to be eaten!

To prep the pumpin, I chopped the pumpkin in half, scraped out the seeds and chopped it into small pieces. I did not bother to peel it, I just blended the pieces of pumpkin peel and all.

Also, you will need a high-speed blender to adequately blend this recipe since the pumpkin can be tough.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 91 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is a good source of Vitamin A.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Dietary Fiber.

Amounts per 110 g (4 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 119 5 %
Protein 1.5 g 3 %
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 31 g 9 %
Dietary Fiber 3 g 10 %
Sugars 25 g
Calcium 27 mg 3 %
Iron 0.84 mg 6 %
Sodium 1.8 mg
Source: USDA

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282 votes
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Ahhhyes! The recipe is included as a crumble on the homepage. Duhhh! We are set! No store bought pies this year!

279 votes
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I would imagine you can freeze it. I used to freeze my cooked puree. It may be a bit runny, so just make sure to remove excess water after thawing.

266 votes
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can the puree be frozen and then taken out later and used in the pumpkin recipes?


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Do I have to use dates or can I just use water and pumpkin?


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Do I have to use dates or can I just use water and pumpkin?


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Can I just use water and pumpkin and no dates?

50 votes
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Hello you mention using the puree pumpkin in a fudge recipe but I don't see the recipe. Can you send that to me ty.

70 votes
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What is the crumble made of? I'm new to this app, but was only able to view the puree recipe.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

59 votes
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Hi Amanda, here's the link to the pumpkin crumble:

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Hi, I would love to try this recipe, but I am none the wiser which varieties of pumpkin you are using. Could you please name the varieties or photograph them? Hard for an australian - we don't have baking pumpkins, but we do have several varieties....

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

97 votes
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Hi Rae! As a rule (anywhere), the smaller the pumpkin, the better it is for recipes. Some types have the word 'sugar' in the name, but that's not a definite. Small pumpkins are the sweetest.

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Rhinda Hale's Review

Raw pumpkin puree recipe
5 out of 5

OH....MY......GOSH....!!!!!! I've only just made the pumpkin filling. Ran out of ingredients for the crumble. But, am going to the store today. I'm serving this to my guests for the game tonight. Wow! That's going to be my Thanksgiving dessert for sure!! No more pie for me!!! I made the banana cream pie last night and put it in the freezer. I'm going to sample that tonight as well.

I'm sampling desserts to bring to my sister's. I want to be more prepared this year.

I'll send a picture of the finished product when I'm done.

150 votes
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Love it Rhinda!! I hope your guests liked ??

I'd love to see the pic if you haven't gobbled it all up by now :)

170 votes
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Ahem. You mention raw pumpkin fudge without a recipe? How could you? :)

156 votes
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I know, I am bad! I have a few pieces left in my freezer, but I can't decide whether I want to tweak the recipe a bit because I feel like something is missing and the texture just isn't quite right for my liking. It's tasty, but I think it needs a tiny rawtarian tweak of some sort! More on this soon.


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lorri's Review

Raw pumpkin puree recipe
5 out of 5

I see the wonderful puree. What is the secret topping? Looks yummie!

282 votes
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Ahhhyes! The recipe is included as a crumble on the homepage. Duhhh! We are set! No store bought pies this year!

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170 votes
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Glad you spotted it :) It's a nice one, especially for this time of year!

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I'm "cooking" for someone on a low GI diet so I can't use the dates.Can this be made without them? Thanks!

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Hi Jill! Hmmm, normally if you can't do dates I'd suggest raisins or prunes, but that won't work for your friend either.

You might be able to tweak this substantially to make it work, for example, 1 cup pumpkin, some chia seeds to thicken it (4 tbsp?), some coconut oil (2 tablespoons?) to help it stiffen up a bit and then stevia as a sweetener taste.

But this is just me talking off the top of my head. Might be better to do something like my chia pudding and use stevia instead of other liquid sweetener. Might have better results that way!

38 votes
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So would it be possible to only use water and pumpkin? What do the dates do? Only add the sweet taste or do they change the consistency?

266 votes
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can the puree be frozen and then taken out later and used in the pumpkin recipes?

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279 votes
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I would imagine you can freeze it. I used to freeze my cooked puree. It may be a bit runny, so just make sure to remove excess water after thawing.

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+1 - I concur with Angeles! xox

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