You can send your kids to school with this, or you can eat this yourself!

Recipe Directions

1. In a Vita-Mix, blend the flax seeds, almond meal, almond butter, 1/4 cup agave nectar, and a little water. You should have a thick dough. Make loaves the size of regular, cooked wheat bread on a Teflex sheet, and dehydrate for just 3 hours at 116 degrees. Cut a slice off and see if it’s like real bread. If it’s not dry enough, continue dehydrating until bread-like.

2, Next, to make strawberry jelly, dehydrate the strawberries on a Teflex sheet for 4 hours, to shrink them up and concentrate the flavors. There should also be some jelly on the Teflex sheet from the concentration of the flavors. Scoop all the jelly up, and the strawberries as well. Blend the jelly and strawberries in vita-mix with 1/ cup of the agave nectar for the jelly. There’s your jelly!

3. For each sandwich, cut a slice of bread from your loaves, and spread some strawberry jelly and almond butter on it. Top with another slice of bread, and serve!

Rawclaire's Thoughts

By rawclaire

You can send your kids to school with this, or you can eat this yourself!

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28 votes
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yeah, I wanna try it too. In the Raw Food Real World book, a recipe made strawberry jelly. I kind of copied that. lol The bread was my idea totally though.

24 votes
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mmmmm! sounds awesome. great idea about the jelly!


28 votes
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yeah, I wanna try it too. In the Raw Food Real World book, a recipe made strawberry jelly. I kind of copied that. lol The bread was my idea totally though.

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mmmmm! sounds awesome. great idea about the jelly!

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