4/5 (from 2 ratings)4 -
1 'loaf' sized cake
1 cup cashews
½ cup sunflower seeds
5 dates
½ cup goji berries
½ cup raisins
2 tablespoons black tahini (or use white)
1 teaspoon nutmeg (ground)
3 coconuts (meat scooped out; put juice aside)
Juice from 2 limes
1 small sweet pineapple
Recipe Directions
1. Make the cashews and sunflower seeds into a fine powder whichever way you can (I use a blender because I like the chunky bits and am a bit lazy on grinding up small amounts). Add the nutmeg and put aside.
2. Blend together the dried fruit (raisins, dates, gojis). Add the tahini.
3. Roll up your sleeves and flex your biceps by grabbing a wooden spoon and mix the fruit/tahini into the powered seeds and nuts until the mix all binds together. This is the base.
4. Press the base into a cling film lined loaf tin (or I guess a small round tin 20cm?)and put in the freezer. Be aware this base is very yummy. You could roll it into balls or just simply scoff the whole lot.
5. Either the next day or a little bit later, make the filling by blending together the coconut pulp, lime juice, and chopped pineapple with 150ml of coconut water and whiz till smooth.
6. Add 4 tablespoons of psyllium husk and whizz again.
7. Spoon the pina colada mix onto the base, cover with cling film, and pop in the fridge.
8. Decorate the top with whatever you like before serving (mangoes, pineapple, blueberries or raspberries).
Rawprincess's Thoughts

This is my happy 30th birthday cake I served to non-raw friends.
The base flavor is intense mixed with the pina colada cheesecake top.
There are lots of different textures. I enjoyed eating the top by itself, and the bottom by itself and then mixing the two together.
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Top voted
May 16, 2010
This sounds absolutely yummy! Can't wait to try it.
May 16, 2010
This sounds absolutely yummy! Can't wait to try it.
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