Recipe Directions

1. Put first four ingredients in a food processor and blend until creamy.

2. Scoop into a bowl and slice a banana on top.

Rakao's Thoughts

By Rakao

A creamy, cinnamony, sweet potato pie filling with a banana sliced on top.

A great easy breakfast for a November morning!

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RawKidChef's Review

Bowl of November
5 out of 5

I did make this for dinner last night, and is was AMAZING. I didn't have any cinnamon or banana but I just ground some sweet potato and mixed with coconut milk. To me it's better than pumpkin pie and definitely something I'm making for Thanksgiving. Definitely one of the best things I've ever tasted.

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Your banana slices have a frownie face... so funny esp the one with the darkest eyes at the tip of the spoon... "smile"

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Tigress's Review

Bowl of November
4 out of 5

This was a great snack, I made it and it really had that great cinnamon-pumkim flavor which reminds me of the holidays. But 12 dates was a little too sweet for me, I would suggest using 3 dates per serving. Thanks for this receipe.


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sv3's Review

Bowl of November
3 out of 5

I've just made this and it's really nice, although I mixed the banana in too and added a few raisins.

Just wish my food processor was powerful enough to get the mixture smooth.

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This looks amazing, and quick too! I have a sweet p in the fridge now just begging to be used. Ill make this for dinner :)

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bananaramazotti's Review

Bowl of November
4 out of 5

This is super yummy and fast! I usually have a green smoothie in the morning, but my darling likes to eat something with more substance. This breaky-bowl was a hit, and he loves it. I use less dates, and add cinnamon & nutmeg. Tastes similar to pumpkin pie filling - I usually sample a few bites, nummy! Thank you for sharing this :)

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NebaiRavensong's Review

Bowl of November
5 out of 5

This was very good, but I agree that it was a lot of dates. I'm also such a newb, I put the dates in with the seeds still in them! Besides that It was very good! I have a newfound obsession of dates now. This is really good as a dessert as well. Goes good with bannanas.

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Tigress's Review

Bowl of November
4 out of 5

This was a great snack, I made it and it really had that great cinnamon-pumkim flavor which reminds me of the holidays. But 12 dates was a little too sweet for me, I would suggest using 3 dates per serving. Thanks for this receipe.

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KarunaShukti's Review

Bowl of November
4 out of 5

This is a great recipe, i had it for breakfast

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RawKidChef's Review

Bowl of November
5 out of 5

I did make this for dinner last night, and is was AMAZING. I didn't have any cinnamon or banana but I just ground some sweet potato and mixed with coconut milk. To me it's better than pumpkin pie and definitely something I'm making for Thanksgiving. Definitely one of the best things I've ever tasted.

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I think by "milk" he means a raw homemade nut milk. I have my sweet potatoes now! I probably will end up making this for dinner tonight instead of breakfast tomorrow. I'll post on how I like it.

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Ah........can't wait to try it!! But what's the "milk?"

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Rakao, this looks so simple yet so divine. I picture sweet potato pie with a buttery milky flavor, thanks so much! I am going to pick up sweet potatoes tomorrow at the store and try to make this for a Monday morning breakfast.

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the banana knew you were going to eat it :( ;)

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What did you do to that poor banana - he's so sad! Maybe he knows his destiny... :( This looks DELICIOUS btw!

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LOL, waterbaby, I can't stop giggling at that.


This looks super yummy and satisfying! I like the name, too. :)

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I will eat bananas with absolutely anything - this looks like a superb combination!

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Your banana slices have a frownie face... so funny esp the one with the darkest eyes at the tip of the spoon... "smile"

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Your banana slices have a frownie face... so funny esp the one with the darkest eyes at the tip of the spoon... "smile"

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This sounds awesome!

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