I made this cake today, and it turned out very delicious! I like it because it’s not all nuts, like in a lot of recipes. If you like, you can add some raisins to the batter of the cake, but I didn’t have that, so I omitted. You can decorate the cake with grated coconut, raisins, bananas, or any seeds.
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Recipe Directions


1. Blend the first five ingredients. This will be the base of the cake.


2. Blend together the apples, honey, vanilla, avocado, and sunflower seeds.

3. Arrange the base in any shape you want on a plate or cake mold.

4. Spread the cream on top of the base and chill for about 20 minutes and serve.

Flybaby's Thoughts

By flybaby

I made this cake today, and it turned out very delicious!

I like it because it’s not all nuts, like in a lot of recipes.

If you like, you can add some raisins to the batter of the cake, but I didn’t have that, so I omitted.

You can decorate the cake with grated coconut, raisins, bananas, or any seeds.

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29 votes
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I am SO excited to try this! I think I'll use a banana instead of the avocado though (just cause avos make me a lil bit queasy). Yay for no-nut desserts!

26 votes
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Hmm we can call it cake or pie, it doesn't really matter:)

I didn't peel the apples just cut out the core, chopped the apples and blended them.

23 votes
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Hmm... is this a cake or more like a pie since it has a base & cream? Also, would you recommend peeling the apples first?


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I'm a little confused about the sunflower seeds, you have them listed twice in the first five...

29 votes
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I am SO excited to try this! I think I'll use a banana instead of the avocado though (just cause avos make me a lil bit queasy). Yay for no-nut desserts!

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That sounds very nice flybaby. I like to use buckwheat alot of the time instead of nuts.

26 votes
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Hmm we can call it cake or pie, it doesn't really matter:)

I didn't peel the apples just cut out the core, chopped the apples and blended them.

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Hmm... is this a cake or more like a pie since it has a base & cream? Also, would you recommend peeling the apples first?

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Sounds great. I love sprouted buckwheat!

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