I just got my dehydrator today and was anxious to try a recipe. This snack is moist, sweet, chewy (depending on how long you dehydrate it and on what temperature), and can be all raw. After tasting the mixture, I put some aside to eat as porridge because it was so tasty. I am on a gluten-free diet and was told that...

Recipe Directions

1. Cover oat groats with water and soak in a bowl for 6 hours.

2. After soaking oat groats, drain water. Rinse groats with water and then drain in a colander.

3. Add half the groats to a blender with enough nut milk to get contents moving.

4. Add cinnamon, salt, sweetener, and vanilla to mixture and blend until creamy (will be slightly chunky). Add nut milk as needed. Mixture should neither be runny nor too dry.

5. Add the rest of the oat groats and blend but allow mixture to remain chunky.

6. Transfer mixture to bowl and fold in dried fruit and nuts.

7. Spread mixture onto Paraflex dehydrator sheets.

8. Put in the dehydrator at 125 Fahrenheit for one hour, then turn it down to 105 Fahrenheit and let it dehydrate for 12 hours.


You can also shape these into rounds to make cookies, chewy or crispy, depending on dehydrating time and temperature. You can also bypass the dehydrator and eat as a breakfast porridge or dehydrate until crispy (you’ll have to turn up the temperature), break into bite-sized pieces, and eat as granola or cereal with “milk.” I think that the syrupy sweeteners are what keep the granola moist. A dry sweetener such as organic cane sugar or Rapadura will probably allow it to dry crispier.

Other additions to try in the future: dried blueberries, chopped apples, shredded raw coconut or coconut oil to add the flavor, nutmeg, vegan chocolate chips, or over-ripe bananas pureed and blended with the oat groats (you will need less sweetener if you do this).

Yum! Experiment! Enjoy!

This took too long to dehydrate, so next time, I will turn up the heat to the highest setting for the first hour or two. Then I will dehydrate on 110 Fahrenheit. Does anyone have any suggestions for temperature settings concerning oat groats?

I inverted my tray half-way through (took it out and put it in backwards) and also cut perforations in the granola when it solidified a bit so that it was easier to cut into bars later.

Kendra Far Above Rubies's Thoughts

By Kendra Far Above Rubies

I just got my dehydrator today and was anxious to try a recipe.

This snack is moist, sweet, chewy (depending on how long you dehydrate it and on what temperature), and can be all raw.

After tasting the mixture, I put some aside to eat as porridge because it was so tasty.

I am on a gluten-free diet and was told that John McCann’s oat groats are gluten free, so this made me happy!

They taste great! Even my picky niece who turns up her nose at my health food likes them. I think they’ll taste even better after resting in the refrigerator.

Good as a cookie, granola, or breakfast porridge!

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I will def. make this once I stop being a penny pincher and shell out for a dehydrator. This sounds perfect for a breakfast on the go!

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Sounds good!

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Thanks super! It is delicious! I used to eat those Nature Valley granola bars with all that junky high fructose stuff until I found out they had wheat in them. Well THOSE have nothing on THESE! I was missing granola bars sooo much...then I was thinking of what I could make in my dehydrator and was inspired to create this recipe.Now I'm so happy.


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Thanks for your comment Alicia. I eat it for breakfast as well without the dehydrator. It's so filling...and yummy.

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I will def. make this once I stop being a penny pincher and shell out for a dehydrator. This sounds perfect for a breakfast on the go!

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Thanks super! It is delicious! I used to eat those Nature Valley granola bars with all that junky high fructose stuff until I found out they had wheat in them. Well THOSE have nothing on THESE! I was missing granola bars sooo much...then I was thinking of what I could make in my dehydrator and was inspired to create this recipe.Now I'm so happy.

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Sounds good!

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