A delicious, creamy green smoothie. The spinach emulsifies nicely, the banana gives it a sweetness and the arugola gives it a slight peppery bite.

Recipe Directions

Chop up the arugola and spinach and put into the blender. Add the banana and some of the water and begin to blend. Add more water as you continue to blend until you get a smooth creamy consistency.

Deasmiles's Thoughts

By deasmiles

A delicious, creamy green smoothie. The spinach emulsifies nicely, the banana gives it a sweetness and the arugola gives it a slight peppery bite.

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37 votes
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You know, I did this today, without the arugola, with a bit of kale, and it was absolutely the most delicious way to get my greens. Thanks!

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just tried this this morning, my first green smoothie attempt and I loved it, will definetly be my new breakfast favorite, thanks!

32 votes
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You are welcome harmonylia... I love bitter greens, love anything with a "bite" dandelion, arugula, friseè, kale, hot peppers...so I particularly love this smoothie, the spinach give it a creaminess and the arugula or as our brit friends say "rocket" gives it that much needed slightly bitter edge or bite. love n' veggies to you xoxo D.


35 votes
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just tried this this morning, my first green smoothie attempt and I loved it, will definetly be my new breakfast favorite, thanks!

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32 votes
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You are welcome harmonylia... I love bitter greens, love anything with a "bite" dandelion, arugula, friseè, kale, hot peppers...so I particularly love this smoothie, the spinach give it a creaminess and the arugula or as our brit friends say "rocket" gives it that much needed slightly bitter edge or bite. love n' veggies to you xoxo D.

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37 votes
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You know, I did this today, without the arugola, with a bit of kale, and it was absolutely the most delicious way to get my greens. Thanks!

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