This is my fav smoothie, always keeps me going and i always have these ingredients around so it makes it easy. It not small but its just me so i take this to work and drink till lunchtime.

Recipe Directions

Soak goji berries and dates till soft(1/2 hour -an hour?) in about 12oz of water. Blend all ingredients and then add as much soak water that you want for consistency. Enjoy!

Luvmangos's Thoughts

By luvmangos

This is my fav smoothie, always keeps me going and i always have these ingredients around so it makes it easy. It not small but its just me so i take this to work and drink till lunchtime.

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I sometimes add cacao powder, just depends on my mood....

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Thanks for the recipe! Most of what I eat is in smoothie form so I'm sure I will enjoy this.

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I don't have any maca powder of spirulina. what can I use instead?? Thanks!!


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I don't have any maca powder of spirulina. what can I use instead?? Thanks!!

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I sometimes add cacao powder, just depends on my mood....

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Thanks for the recipe! Most of what I eat is in smoothie form so I'm sure I will enjoy this.

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