Spicy! All the way from Mexico, but now Raw! Add it on just about anything, well mostly everything :)
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Recipe Directions

Place tomatoes and almonds into the blender and grind them into a smooth paste. You can add the soak water from the raisins to help move things along.(hmm that just doesnt sound right) Now add all remaining ingredients and blend until creamy. If you like it more liquidy, add some nice coconut water.

Humanimal's Thoughts

By humanimal

Spicy! All the way from Mexico, but now Raw! Add it on just about anything, well mostly everything :)

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OK. just found answer in the forum...Thanks!

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Anise and cloves are great spices, I'll have to try this recipe soon. I'm a sucker for mole.

I suggest the addition of an ancho chili pepper or two -- fresh if you can get it, but soaking the dried ones you can get in Mexican markets works pretty well too. It doesn't add a lot of spiciness, just some incredible fruity chiliness.

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This looks yummy. How long do the almonds have to soak for?


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OK. just found answer in the forum...Thanks!

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This looks yummy. How long do the almonds have to soak for?

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Anise and cloves are great spices, I'll have to try this recipe soon. I'm a sucker for mole.

I suggest the addition of an ancho chili pepper or two -- fresh if you can get it, but soaking the dried ones you can get in Mexican markets works pretty well too. It doesn't add a lot of spiciness, just some incredible fruity chiliness.

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