This delectable treat stays solid as long as it’s kept cold. My group of friends refers to it as “raw sugary death.”
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Recipe Directions

1. Melt the coconut oil by nesting it in another container full of warm water.

2. Mix carob and coconut oil thoroughly. Stir in agave nectar and blend well.

3. Process walnuts alone in a food processor until they become a buttery consistency.

4. Add oil/carob/agave/honey mixture and blend well.

5. Spread into a square pan and refrigerate until firm.

Vtrawgirl's Thoughts

By vtrawgirl

This delectable treat stays solid as long as it’s kept cold.

My group of friends refers to it as “raw sugary death.”

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14 votes
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wow this is an absolutely delicious recipe. i added in a few handful of dried bananas, because i didn't have enough nuts. i'd recommend it.


14 votes
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wow this is an absolutely delicious recipe. i added in a few handful of dried bananas, because i didn't have enough nuts. i'd recommend it.

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