Feel free to sub any kind of bean sprouts for mung beans. If you cant find mustard leaves, u can use Arugala.
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Recipe Directions

1. To make Fresh Dal: puree jalapeno, onion, ginger, oil, lime, cilantro, agave, and turmeric in blender. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over sprouted beans in bowl. Let stand 1 hr.

2. To make dressing: combine all dressing ingredients and blend til smooth.

3. Salad: to toss spinach, red mustard and tomato with lime dressing in bowl. Top with fresh Dal. Garnish with cilantro.

Tzefira's Thoughts

By Tzefira

Feel free to sub any kind of bean sprouts for mung beans. If you cant find mustard leaves, u can use Arugala.

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That looks really good! Thanks :)

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This sounds amazing making it tomorrow !!! Thanks for the recipe.

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me loves a good dal and on a salad no less,Tomarrow fo sho!!!!! tanQ!;)


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Just made this recipe and all I can say is that I am making a second batch to take to work tomorrow. This rocks, at first the beans tasted kinda weird but once the marinade got a hold of them it was like something I have never tried. Once it is all put together it's so savory. Thanks for this recipe

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This sounds amazing making it tomorrow !!! Thanks for the recipe.

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me loves a good dal and on a salad no less,Tomarrow fo sho!!!!! tanQ!;)

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That looks really good! Thanks :)

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