With today being my 47th day of a juice fast, I decided to share a new juice that I came up with in the last few days. Although most of my juices have been vegetable, this added a little variety to my routine. I mixed the lettuce with the fruits to be sure that I was still getting chlorophyll. The juice reminds me...
  • Yield

    Depending on the juiciness of the ingredients, it should make around 4 cups
  • Equipment

Recipe Directions

1. Juice all of the ingredients. Strain if you are avoiding fiber. Enjoy!

RCBAlive's Thoughts

By RCBAlive

With today being my 47th day of a juice fast, I decided to share a new juice that I came up with in the last few days.

Although most of my juices have been vegetable, this added a little variety to my routine.

I mixed the lettuce with the fruits to be sure that I was still getting chlorophyll.

The juice reminds me of something, I just can’t figure out what it is. If you can figure it out, I’d love to know.

I think this would make a great punch.

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Hmmm, my comment just disappeared. Oh well, I'll try again:

River, I juiced the ingredients with a juicer, but I imagine it might work as a smoothie. I look forward to your input.

Trinity, I have lost 22.5 pounds. How long did it take you to gain the 10 pounds? Did you have a post fast eating plan that you followed or did you go back to your regular eating plan? Did you juice or just do water?

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Thanks for the delicious combination! Your post is the fourth time in two days that I've either heard about adding pear to a smoothie or had an intuition to try it, so I'm looking forward to making one tomorrow. I'll try to post if I come up with a name for the familiar taste!

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This sounds really good. Thank you!!!


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This sounds really good. Thank you!!!

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Hmmm, my comment just disappeared. Oh well, I'll try again:

River, I juiced the ingredients with a juicer, but I imagine it might work as a smoothie. I look forward to your input.

Trinity, I have lost 22.5 pounds. How long did it take you to gain the 10 pounds? Did you have a post fast eating plan that you followed or did you go back to your regular eating plan? Did you juice or just do water?

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Thanks for the delicious combination! Your post is the fourth time in two days that I've either heard about adding pear to a smoothie or had an intuition to try it, so I'm looking forward to making one tomorrow. I'll try to post if I come up with a name for the familiar taste!

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